
Video: Israeli blockade threatens collapse of Gaza’s strawberry industry

The Gaza Strip is famous for its strawberries, which used to be exported all around Israel, Palestine, and the world. But as a result of Israel’s blockade on Gaza, which is entering its 12th year this year, strawberry farming is dying out. The siege has made the practice increasingly expensive for farmers, forcing them to abandon their farms. Long waits at Israeli checkpoints and restrictions on exports mean that Gaza’s remaining strawberry farmers can never be sure if they will make enough profits to survive through the season.

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Strawberry fields? I hear from MW all the time that Gaza is a prison. However, whenever any picture is presented, I discover to my surprise that the prison has wonderful beaches, pleasant neighborhoods, fishing and extensive farming. Nice journalism.

“let them fight over this stuff, they’ll never all agree with each other over it anyway.” Annie
Actually the endless sophistry about who is Jewish is some kind of Mondoweiss phenonomenon. In the vast majority of cases, Jews just know – like if your name is Goldberg, or Cohen, or Levy you are Jewish and it is not something you spend your life analyzing. After all, most Jews study quite a bit and become professsionals. No time for endless analysis. The whole religion vs nation debate is so old and cliched that it is a miracle it still continues. I also don’t see the benefit of it because the eljay logic – they are a religion therefore no state- it’s kind of old as Israelis are clearly a people now. Either way, it seems everyone is satisfied with the the current situation. You think you are “winning” and that I am a confused bafoon. Israeli is in the top five happiest countries. And American Jews seem to be doing better than ever. So in a sense it’s a perfect situation – everyone is “winning”.

“it means that all Jews will eventually suffer blowback for the actions of hateful and immoral Zionists like you, sure, Jews are “doomed”” eljay
This is good, we are making progress. So my actions – I am assuming my comments here – will result in “blowback” for the rest of the Jews. What are we talking about, in plain English? Shootings at synagogues and JCCs by lone wolf types? Or are you saying that the American government will intern me over my comments here? Or are you talking about some kind of organized militia violence against Jews? I am having a hard time imagining American society with its myriad problems and 350 million people (probably 500 million within my lifetime) worrying so much about either Jews or Palestinians but I am open to surprises.