


Amid a hellish 2020 that brought the world so much sorrow, there were still positive stories showing a shift in US politics towards Palestine. Big media often ignores these stories, but Mondoweiss doesn’t — and we plan for this momentum to grow in 2021. As we close out this very difficult year, please help us take Mondoweiss forward into a hopeful new year with a generous donation today.

Palestinian children, clad in masks and face-shields due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, play inside their kindergarten, in Gaza City on November 23, 2020. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour/APA Images)

If there ever was a year in recent history that was truly unforgettable, 2020 is it. In Palestine, COVID-19 did not stop the occupation, and in many cases exacerbated the devastating effects of 53 years under Israeli military rule. On top of the pandemic, we witnessed major shifts in global politics with widespread regional normalization, and the defeat of US President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, global movements for justice like Black Lives Matter, and the fight for justice in Palestine continued to transcend borders, thrusting marginalized voices into the mainstream in ways that were once unimaginable.

Our stories, analysis and opinions about Palestine and Israel inform and educate the public and fill a void left by mainstream media. We know this year has been difficult, so we don’t ask this of you lightly: But if you’re able, we would deeply appreciate a financial contribution. Your gift will help Mondoweiss move forward into the new year strong and well-prepared to meet the challenges ahead.

Liberal Zionists’ moral problem is that they are so wed to “the right of the Jewish people to a state” they seek to discredit any real program to pressure Israel for Palestinian rights. Liberal Zionists could maintain this contradiction when fighting Trump seemed more important to Americans than fighting rightwing Israel; but they have now lost this figleaf, and there is an urgent need for real action, not lip service, on Palestinian rightslessness.

Lillian Rosengarten writes, “What is there to understand about the German Holocaust that demands blanket support of Israel? How dare we continue to support white Democracy which so similarly could sound like white Aryan supremacy? Have we become as insane as the lies and destruction of Zionism?”