
The witch hunt

Claims of antisemitism have led to an extraordinary witch-hunt. What is there to understand about the German Holocaust that demands blanket support of Israel? How dare we continue to support white Jewish Democracy which so similarly could sound like white Aryan supremacy? Have we become as insane as the lies and destruction of Zionism?

How can we support a country that has dehumanized Palestinians for decades and pretends they do not exist  while destroying their land, their hope, through eternal victimization and death to the people that are seen as unworthy of life? How has this been so secretly perpetuated that one can think it never happened? Or perhaps this happens to inferior, worthless souls who must be wiped out for the Jewish land to be pure?

Is this the way Jews allow themselves to continue, to never wake to the reality of 2020, but allow themselves to drown as ghosts of victimization? Can life forever be victimization carried out for 90 years as Zionists perpetuate the myth of a crying need for solace, saved and loved by the state of Israel? It seems to remain the forever Jewish land while victims stay passive and live the dream that Zionist Israel will hold them and protect them from from the dangers of another annihilation. Are they willing to sacrifice Palestine, its land and people, for a Jewish State so they can survive? Perhaps some of these feelings are deeply buried in an unconscious state that refuses to be examined. Have Zionists ever explored Zionism’s own actions, so completely dehumanized and manipulative, so untrustworthy and bleak that one can only cry?

Much of the present Jewish identity is about being threatened with annihilation and surviving. I believe this is a sickness that must be examined. Not to recover and hold on to the role of victim is an enormous wall of defense.  In this space, no one is trusted and a wall is built to keep out the enemy.  This piece of pathology sees the horrible wall that separates Palestinians from freedom and life. The Palestinians are the enemy, and this is the dark side of Jewish consciousness. In this way, Zionists in their insane thinking keep out the dreaded enemy. This is the apartheid state. This statement is for some unbearable, but it is the truth.

I believe Jews must do their own work to work through their guilt, sense of victimhood, their fear and paranoia. This work has not been done. Most important what must be looked at, why do Jews whose relatives have once been victimized have the right morally to occupy and disenfranchise another people?  Zionist Israel’s deadly human rights horrors must be looked at and not denied. How have Palestinians become the last victims of the Holocaust? How have they become stripped/dispossessed of all their rights? Surely this is insanity.

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Well worth repeating:
Then Secretary of State for India and the British cabinet’s only Jewish member, Lord Edwin Montagu’s response to Prime Minister Lloyd George following his issuance of the illegal 1917 Balfour Declaration: “All my life I have been trying to get out of the ghetto. You want to force me back there.”

Henry Morgenthau Sr., former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, 1919: “Zionism is the most stupendous fallacy in Jewish history…. The very fervour of my feeling for the oppressed of every race and every land, especially for the Jews, those of my own blood and faith, to whom I am bound by every tender tie, impels me to fight with all the greater force against this scheme, which my intelligence tells me can only lead them deeper into the mire of the past, while it professes to be leading them to the heights. Zionism is… a retrogression into the blackest error, and not progress toward the light.” (Quoted by Frank Epp, Whose Land is Palestine? p. 261)

Asked to sign a petition supporting settlement of Jews in Palestine, Sigmund Freud declined: “I cannot…I do not think that Palestine could ever become a Jewish state….It would have seemed more sensible to me to establish a Jewish homeland on a less historically-burdened land….I can raise no sympathy at all for the misdirected piety which transforms a piece of a Herodian wall into a national relic, thereby offending the feelings of the natives.” (Letter to Dr. Chaim Koffler Keren Ha Yassod, Vienna: 2/26/30)

Albert Einstein,1939: “There could be no greater calamity than a permanent discord between us and the Arab people…. We must strive for a just and lasting compromise with the Arab people…. Let us recall that in former times no people lived in greater friendship with us than the ancestors of these Arabs.” (Einstein and Zionism by Banesh Hoffmann, in General Relativity and Gravitation, eds. G. Shaviv and J. Rosen, Wiley, 1975, p. 242)

Lessing J. Rosenwald, president of the American Council for Judaism, 1944: “The concept of a racial state – the Hitlerian concept- is repugnant to the civilized world, as witness the fearful global war in which we are involved. . . , I urge that we do nothing to set us back on the road to the past. To project at this time the creation of a Jewish state or commonwealth is to launch a singular innovation in world affairs which might well have incalculable consequences.”

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On 30 January 1941, during a meeting in London, Chaim Weizmann revealed the details of a discussion he had just had with Ivan Maisky, the Soviet ambassador to London regarding the transfer of Arabs from Palestine. According to notes taken during the meeting, “Dr. Weizmann said [to Mr. Maisky] that if half a million Arabs could be transferred, two million Jews could be put in their place. That of course would be a first installment; what might happen afterwards was a matter for history.” (Benny Morris, “Refabricating 1948”).

Indeed, Some years later, Alfred Einstein revealed to the eminent Jewish America scholar, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, that during a conversation he [Einstein] had asked Weizmann: “What about the Arabs if Palestine were given to the Jews?” And Weizmann responded: “What Arabs? They are hardly of any consequence.” (Alfred Lilienthal, What Price Israel?)

Perhaps Europe, in particular Germany, should take a look at the sycophantic guilt they are drowning in and act with integrity. Great question…”How have Palestinians become the last victims of the holocaust?”

Thank you, Lillian

“How have they become stripped/dispossessed of all their rights?”

Because the cultures to which they, the strippers, belong as I do myself and to which many Jews also belong have form in producing such attitudes …who now remembers Iraq…in our glorious Western thought world…the picture at the head of the linked article, there is a story behind it which I bet you have forgotten says it all. vicious dehumanization is us. you should check out “Iraq is a nightmare Americans have forgotten” on the linked site.

Do Americans really care about war crimes?
