
August 2020

COVID-19 in Palestine: Refugee Camps at Risk

What would you do if you were living in a refugee camp during a global pandemic? For the first time in months, Palestinian refugee camps are seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases raising concerns over the potentially devastating effects the virus can have on disadvantaged communities like the Dheisheh refugee camp.

Authors in the Lancet say Israel must lift “closure” on Gaza because insufficient amount of equipment needed to treat COVID-19 in the occupied Palestinian territory (87 intensive care unit beds with ventilators for nearly 2 million people and a paucity of personal protective equipment) is compounded by poor public health conditions: a water and electricity crisis, rampant poverty, and a high population density.

Haaretz covers Israeli army plans to convert “an ancient olive grove in the Galilee” into a shooting range with sympathy for the Israeli residents but no awareness that the once-thriving Palestinian village of A’mka there was uprooted by Zionists to make way for the Jewish-only settlement of A’moka. The Palestinians became refugees.