
December 2021


Israel has just approved a plan to double the roughly 25,000 settlers on the occupied Syrian Golan heights. Because Biden refused to reverse Trump’s decision on the illegally-acquired territory. And because leftwing Meretz, a government coalition party, went along too, saying the matter was “complicated.” Only Ahmad Tibi says the truth: the Golan belongs to Syria.

For a number of years now, I’ve been in the Mondoweiss Supporters Club. I have other sources, but Mondoweiss offers me a steady and dependably reliable stream of Palestinian perspectives and political analyses that root my footing solidly in the values that I, like all of us in this club, hold so dear in our fight against injustice and oppression. Because I want you to join the club, I’ve offered a matching gift for anyone who gives a gift to Mondoweiss between now and the end of the year.

Dr. Ismail Dawoud, Chairman of Edward Said Institute in Gaza, with his music students.

Despite unbearable conditions under Israeli siege, youth from the Gaza Strip won many of the categories in this year’s prestigious Palestine National Music Competition. In seeking to explain this Ayman El-Hallaq writes, “Music, as far as I think, to such a group of Gazan children is more than a collection of melodies to be played on musical instruments; it is a way of survival, it has a healing effect as a treatment that soothes the injuries of life in Gaza.”

Palestinian human rights activist Fadi Quran describes his detention by Homeland Security at the Dallas airport in October at the behest of the Israeli government as a supposed terrorist– a US lieutenant told Quran his hands were tied to interrogate Quran after an ally filed the claim. While Lara Friedman of the Foundation for Middle East Peace says the Biden administration will spend no energy on Palestinian rights.