
There is no U.S. interest in backing a genocide and bombing Yemen

A central claim by Israel’s advocates is that supporting Israel is in the U.S. interest. There can be no greater farce when our country has bombed another Arab country to support Israel’s genocide.

One of the central claims of Israel’s advocates is that supporting Israel is in the U.S. interest. There can be no greater farce today, when our country has bombed yet another Arab country to support Israel’s war on Gaza, and people are burning the American flag at demonstrations.

Our support for Israel is plainly isolating the U.S. World opinion despises the Israeli genocide and wants it to end. South Africa’s argument at the Hague that never before have people live-streamed their own extermination resonates with anybody of conscience anywhere. Yemen’s Ansar Allah (commonly known as the “Houthis”) speak for a great swath of humanity when they demand: End the assault on Gaza and deliver medicine to Palestinians.

And while establishment U.S. columnists argue that Antony Blinken’s pathetic efforts to hold the Israelis back expose the limits of American power, the world knows better: the feeble lip service by a superpower exposes the utter subservience of America to a brutal racist regime. (And yes, world opinion deplores the Hamas atrocities of October 7 — but they ended after a day).

“[T]he majority of the world is calling for an end to the violence and mass human suffering, and the need for accountability,” Reps. Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib said two days ago. “As one of the countries that has agreed to the Genocide Convention, the U.S. must stop trying to discredit and undermine this case and the international legal system it claims to support.”

It was possible to argue that American “interests” — in the cold realist meaning of world power and material gain, interests that even progressive Americans invoke — were served by Israel in the past. This was the big argument of Israel supporters during the Cold War. Israel was our supposed aircraft carrier in the Middle East. It was on our side in the geopolitical struggle between the Soviet Union and the U.S. for material influence.

But the Cold War ended, and no interests are served today by aligning with Israel. There is no U.S. interest in having a world war — which is now threatened by a crazed and militant nation with nuclear weapons that wants a confrontation with Iran. There is no U.S. interest in seeing the Middle East turned into a broad battle zone and countries being destabilized as they were during the American invasions of post-9/11 (which also did not serve U.S. interest). There is no U.S. interest in backing an apartheid state, as countless human rights groups have labeled Israel. There’s no U.S. interest in having our claims to support human rights made a complete mockery — in the extermination of Palestinian families and children without a peep of protest from our leaders, just hypocritical comments by the State Department. Who can denounce the Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs or the Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilians with a straight face today?

No, Gaza is a shambles for American power. American power is serving one aim right now: to prop up Israel as it ethnically cleanses Gaza. This hateful legacy goes right on Blinken’s tombstone.

Even the Saudis are angry at the United States, the dictatorship that we had on board for normalization with Israel just a few months ago, in our purported goal of stabilizing the Middle East.

That normalization campaign was itself a farce, which Hamas exposed: normalization violated U.S. policy of a two-state solution. Whatever you think of the two-state solution — and I have said it was a cruel joke for many years — it was avowed U.S. policy. The Palestinians were to get a state, on just 22 percent of their historical land, but a state with sovereignty and rights. There was a big ceremony at the White House 30 years ago. People won Nobel Prizes. It was a solemn vow. And for decades, the United States did absolutely nothing to follow through on the promise even as it acted as Israel’s lawyer, and Israel did all it could to eliminate the possibility of a Palestinian state. Destroying Palestinian rights and property. Pushing Palestinians into cantons. Transferring more and more Jews into Palestinian territory. All this went on with the support of the United States.

U.S. backing of occupation made Americans unsafe by sowing violent hatred. Osama Bin Laden’s number-two reason for his attacks in 2001 was our support for Israeli occupation, though officials and the Israel lobby denied it.

Lately, that same foreign-policy establishment has sought to brush the problem under the rug by bribing Arab dictators to make peace for Israel and overlook Palestinian demands. That worked until Hamas acted on October 7 — and Arab leaders have again called for Palestinian freedom.

The two-state solution was hardly the first broken promise to the Palestinians by the world. As South Africa reminds us at the International Court of Justice, Palestinians were promised a state, an even bigger one, back in 1947. And the world did nothing to follow through on partition (even as many other peoples were granted self-determination).

No wonder the Middle East has been a “dangerous neighborhood” for 75 years, as Israeli propaganda puts it. Not because Muslims and Arabs are any different from any other neighbors. No, because Palestinians have been forced out of their homes for generation after generation without any compensation, and massacred repeatedly, and that persecution is not acceptable to the Palestinians and to their many friends. The Middle East will always be a dangerous neighborhood — Ansar Allah and the Iranians and South Africans and Irish all tell us — until Palestinians have dignity and freedom. All the bunkerbusters and tank missiles and white phosphorus shells and New York Times pundits who extol Israel cannot end this problem. Only Palestinian freedom from occupation, persecution, and massacre will do that.

It has never been in the U.S. interest for Palestinians to be oppressed. The State Department said so in 1947: We will see generations of unrest if the U.S. recognizes a Jewish state on Arab lands. We will reverse FDR’s promise to King Abdul Aziz not to establish a Jewish state, we will lose access to Arab oil, which is crucial to the U.S. economy. George Marshall, Truman’s secretary of state, threatened to resign over that recognition.

The warnings came to pass: There have been decades of unrest. The two-state solution was the great compromise that was supposed to end that turmoil. A tremendous concession by the Palestinians that Edward Said and Ali Abunimah wept over — Said, who was ethnically cleansed from Jaffa, Abunimah, whose family was ethnically cleansed from south of Jerusalem. But the Israelis were against the two-state solution even more than Said and Abunimah, and they had the power to destroy it — and did. Till Hamas broke out in violent protest on October 7.

And the U.S., in utter subservience to the Israelis, has supported the genocide since and made a joke of the U.S. image, and of democracy, too. Because Americans overwhelmingly support a ceasefire. But our leaders refuse to.

In 2015, Obama said only Israel was against the Iran deal, and it would be an abrogation of his constitutional duty to side with Israel. Obama said the Iran deal was in the U.S. interest and the interest of world peace. But since then, Trump and Biden have abrogated their constitutional duty in service of Israel. Trump destroyed the Iran deal, and Biden did nothing to revive it. They have sided with Israel in all its local and regional battles — against the Palestinians and the Iranians. Rather than being a superpower balancing a local conflict, the U.S. has thrown in with a racist, murderous state that all the world can see is racist and murderous.

Moving the embassy to Jerusalem caused massive violence. Efforts at Saudi normalization caused massive violence, too.

And now the U.S. is risking world war to support a genocide by a deranged nuclear power. Anybody can see this. The South Africans. Ansar Allah. American progressives and conservatives.

There is no U.S. interest in supporting racist genocide. Let us celebrate the American leaders who speak the truth at this moment, Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush, to begin with. Ceasefire now.

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Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money
AIPAC’s influence is evident in U.S. senators’ support for Israel.

By Bill Astore

“Here’s how AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) describes itself on its own web site:

The Largest Pro-Israel PAC in America

WE STAND with those who stand with Israel. The AIPAC PAC is a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action committee. It is the largest pro-Israel PAC in America and contributed more resources directly to candidates than any other PAC. 98% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their general election races in 2022.

That last sentence is a killer. AIPAC is reminding Members of Congress that if you want to be elected, or win reelection, you very much want AIPAC on your side. And if you don’t kowtow to their agenda, they will do everything in their power to defeat you.”


Spot on, Phil!

There seems to be no red lines we wouldn’t cross or lengths we wouldn’t go to justify Israel’s illegal actions and to protect Israel’s, and only Israel’s, interests. None of which align or reflect the interest of the US, politically, diplomatically, or strategically.

When everyone in the region keeps telling us that Israeli Occupation, Annexation, Oppression, Apartheid, targeted assassinations, and routine aggressive violations of its neighbor’s sovereignty is the problem, we should take them at their word. Not write them off as antisemites.

Instead we keep funneling billions in weapons and strategic support to this rogue nation. We keep denying the Palestinians and the entire region any peaceful recourse or justice for Israel’s litany of transgressions, no matter how big or small. We keep pretending that Israel isn’t a nuclear armed bully. We happily bomb, bribe, or bully anyone around them that even looks at Israel with the slightest defiance.

If any other nation in the region behaved like Israel, it would be toast. We don’t even have to imagine either, just look at what we’ve done to countries like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and the like. The average American couldn’t even tell you what their purported transgression even were, yet they stand testament to how we’ll happy sacrifice entire nation states at the altar of Israel. All so that one country can have a golden ticket free pass to do and act as it pleases with absolutely zero consequence.

It’s truly incredible. The US will do virtually anything and everything but address or confront the elephant in the room. At virtually any and all cost to the US, the American people, and the region at large.

We literally parked multiple carrier groups off the coast of Israel and mobilized multiple assets to the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the region at large. Openly threatened and risked open war with Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt and Iran, just so that Israel could go on a bloodthirsty rampage of revenge, retribution, cleansing, displacement, and genocide in Gaza. All of this before lifting a finger to help evacuate a single one of the hundreds of actual American citizens and hostages in Gaza. Many of whom still remain trapped 101 days later. All of whom have been subjected to nearly a hundred days of constant bombardment by Israel using American made and American funded bombs, missiles, and munitions. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?

If this had happed anywhere else on Earth we would have had Seal Teams on the ground within 24 hours hunting for the hostages and navy vessels parked on the beaches to evacuate every single American. Period!

What we’ve done since Oct 7th instead, tells us everything we need to know about our leaders’ priorities when it comes to Israel’s, and only Israel’s, interests. It’s not just disgusting, but an abdication of their duty to actual Americans and American interests.

There are also persons of the right (populists, mostly) opposed to funding the Israeli military machine.

“AIPAC always gets mad when I put America first. I won’t be voting for their $14+ billion shakedown of American taxpayers either,” Rep. Thomas Massie wrote.

“If Congress sends $14.5 billion to Israel, on average we’ll be taking about $100 from every working person in the United States,” Massie said on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “This will be extracted through inflation and taxes. I’m against it.”


This MAGA rep. is right. The conclusion is to figure out a way to plausibly withhold $100 from your yearly tax payment.

Probably a few more thousand once America get sucked into another war in defense of our genocidal ally.

Thanks for this, Phil. Right on.

Absolutely. From the beginning we have seen their spokespeople, trying hard to make Hamas the enemy of America, and emphasizing the lie that Hamas is a threat to the illegal occupiers, and the American people. Hamas has always operated within Gaza, and they have never been a threat to other nations, including the US.

Israel is making more enemies for the US, by committing war crimes, and attacking civilians. It is constantly going into other nations to kill, it spies on other nations, it acts like a victim, and cries anti-semitism, to justify its occupation, land theft, and the killing of the civilians in Gaza.

Israel has urged the US to attack Arab nations, time and time again. Their corrupt PM has even testified in Congress that he was absolutely sure Saddam Hussein had WMD’s. Now it is trying hard to drag us into a war with Iran, and from what is going on right now, it looks like they may succeed.