
For opposing genocide, Bowman is framed as antisemitic — by liberal Zionists

The Democratic establishment and Israel lobby are seeking to destroy the political career of Rep. Jamaal Bowman because he dared to criticize the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. And many liberals are joining right in.

Today is primary day in New York and the marquee race is the effort by the Democratic establishment and the Israel lobby to destroy the political career of Rep. Jamaal Bowman because he dared to criticize Israeli “genocide” of Palestinians in Gaza.

The effort against a sitting congressperson, who is a member of the Squad, is now the most expensive in U.S. political history — with a mind-boggling $23 million-plus being spent on ads so far, almost all of that money being pro-Israel. Ads by the Israel-right-or-wrong group AIPAC hide its agenda, accusing Bowman of not supporting Joe Biden’s policy — putting the “entire economy at risk”.

Attack ad aired by AIPAC arm, the United Democracy Project, savages Jamaal Bowman for supposedly putting the "entire economy at risk". Ad aired on June 24, 2024.
Attack ad aired by AIPAC arm, the United Democracy Project, savages Jamaal Bowman for supposedly putting the “entire economy at risk”. Ad aired on June 24, 2024.

Bowman’s opponent in the Bronx/Westchester district, George Latimer, “was recruited to run by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),” says ABC News, citing a NYT article. And duly, Democratic Party heavyweights have fallen into line with the lobby and savaged the incumbent. Hillary Clinton, an AIPAC darling, said, “we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever.”

While former governor Andrew Cuomo said this morning that Bowman will be soundly defeated and “The message is clear: anti-semitism in any and all forms will not be tolerated in New York.” And Bowman can’t call himself a “progressive.”

The shock of the race — and really it shouldn’t be a shock — is that once again liberal Zionist media are joining in the pileup on a progressive who dared to criticize Israel.

The shock of the race — and really, it shouldn’t be a shock — is that, once again, liberal Zionist media are joining in the pileup on a progressive who dared to criticize Israel. The liberals are echoing the antisemitism charge from the Israel lobby, or trying to justify it.

Bowman has earned this smear because he is one of the few figures in the Democratic Party who has refused to back down in calling the Gaza genocide a genocide. By standing up for Palestinian humanity, Bowman has, in fact, echoed the Democratic base– which overwhelmingly believes that the Israeli slaughter is genocidal (Israel has now killed 37,000 people, most of them civilians, with another 10,000 under the rubble of Gaza, in response to the Hamas atrocities of October 7).

It really is the “many versus the money,” as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said at a rally for Bowman over the weekend — to which pro-Israel advocates in the party respond: that’s an antisemitic trope.

Let’s look at the liberal media. Jonathan Chait in New York magazine (as quoted by the Jewish Insider) denounces Bowman for caving to the “progressive” wing and ignoring “liberal” Jews.

“Bowman has simply gotten so carried away with the logic of progressive-movement politics that he’s lost all sight of the practical opportunities to build an electoral coalition rooted in the liberal side of the intra-Jewish debate…Bowman seems almost to crave political martyrdom. But if he does lose, it would be more accurate to attribute his demise to political suicide.”

As if Bowman is a fringe figure. When that progressive wing is the Democratic base on Israel.

Amy Walter on the PBS News Hour also threw Bowman under the bus, saying he was a newbie who is vulnerable because he hasn’t supported Biden enough. Walter thereby bought into the cover for the giant ad buy, whose true agenda is Israel Israel Israel.

Worse is Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times, in essence accusing Bowman of antisemitism: through his rhetoric on Israel, Bowman has confirmed “the fears of many” of his critics.

Goldberg has herself been highly critical of Israel, but here she returns to the liberal Zionist brand. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and if you’re for boycott, a traditional tool against oppression, you don’t like Jews:

“Bowman has also been reckless in stomping on ideological land mines…Though he says he continues to support a two-state solution, he’s fallen into the left-wing habit of using ‘Zionist’ as an insult,

Bowman is right to be outspoken about the suffering being inflicted on Gaza. But recently, as he’s leaned into anti-Zionist rhetoric — calling Israel, for example, a ‘settler-colonial project’ — I’ve sometimes wondered if he’s given up trying to win, setting himself up instead as a political martyr… last month he… promised, in a private video meeting, to come out for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. This decision baffled me… [B]y aligning himself with the anti-Zionist boycott movement, even as he says publicly that he still believes Israel has a right to exist, Bowman confirms the fears of many of his local critics.”

Notice that Bowman is “right to be outspoken about the suffering being inflicted on Gaza”? This is an understatement, but typical of liberal Zionists. The progressive base is horrified by the unending slaughter of children with U.S. armaments and the trapping of whole families under the rubble of ruined cities. Bowman has stood up for decent, moral, human values, and refused to back down. It is a noble stand and deserves praise by liberals and progressives.

Goldberg accuses Bowman of leaning into “anti-Zionist rhetoric,” again suggesting he’s antisemitic. Here she singles out the boycott movement. But it should be honorable among liberals to advocate for boycott — as progressives did in Montgomery in 1955 and in South Africa in the 80s and 90s. It should also be perfectly acceptable in the U.S. discourse to attack Zionism. After all, Zionism is the Jewish nationalist ideology that has produced apartheid and ethnic cleansing and that today claims that it is right to kill hundreds of Palestinian civilians in order to free four Jews.

“Fundamentally Goldberg thinks that because so many American Jews are wedded to Israel, this takes precedence over everything else,” media critic Donald Johnson writes to me. Or, as the right-wing Jewish News Syndicate reminds us this week: “Zionism is part and parcel of Judaism.”

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$100,000,000 buys a lot of smearing.

War on Gaza: Over 20,000 children missing due to Israeli assault
Save the Children says thousands are lost, disappeared, detained or buried under rubble or in mass graves

By MEE staff

24 June 2024

“More than 20,000 Palestinian children are missing in Gaza as a result of Israel‘s assault on the enclave, either lost, disappeared, detained, buried under rubble or in mass graves.

Save the Children said that, while the ongoing conflict made verifying figures difficult, it estimated that at least 17,000 children are believed to be unaccompanied and separated while some 4,000 children are likely under the rubble.

A further number are suspected to be buried in mass graves scattered across the Gaza Strip.
It said its child protection teams had been put under further strain as a result of Israel’s operation in Rafah and that more families and communities were being separated from their children as a result.

“Every day we find more unaccompanied children, and every day it is harder to support them. We work through partners to identify separated and unaccompanied children and trace their families, but there are no safe facilities for them – there is no safe place in Gaza,” a Save the Children child protection specialist in Gaza said in a statement.

“Neighbours and extended family members who have taken in lone children are struggling to meet their basic needs, such as shelter, food, and water. Many are with strangers – or completely alone – increasing the risk of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect.”

The Palestinian health ministry on Sunday said that a total of 37,598 people had been killed since 7 October, with at least 14,000 of them children.”


Talk about foreign interference! Why is Aipac and the rest Israel’s lobby not required to register as foreign agents.

If Israeli and US values and interests are the same—as Israel’s shill# in America keep telling us—why have a lobby spending hundreds of millions manipulating voters and corrupting pokiticians?

This part of Goldberg’s statement jumped out at me ” Bowman confirms the fears of many of his local critics.”

What are those fears? We know she is inferring that Bowman is anti Jewish. However, what Bowman has proven is that he will not bow to the power of the I lobby.

Can we get any Presidential moderator who is as biased against Palestinians and pro Palestinian protesters calling for a permanent ceasefire as Dana Bash? Not sure how Jake Tapper stands on Palestinian/Israel issues?

Biased of me to say I imagine Jake Tapper stands with Israel no matter what they do. However, I have said it and imagine he is biased in support of Israel. We know what Biden and Trump’s answers will be. Behind Israel no matter what. Yeah Biden will throw out some bare bone comments. “So sad 37,000 Palestinians have been killed” Then he will add because of Hamas”

Trump will march in a straight line….. Israel does no wrong.

Will be interesting to see how Dana, Jake, CNN handlers pose the questions about the Gaza slaughter? Will likely be all about Hamas’s heinous attack on Oct 7th, hostages, nothing about historical context, built up anger and Israel’s slaughter of 37,000 and counting innocent Palestinians


“Anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and if you’re for boycott, a traditional tool against oppression, you don’t like Jews…Goldberg accuses Bowman of leaning into “anti-Zionist rhetoric,” again suggesting he’s antisemitic…Or, as the right-wing Jewish News Syndicate reminds us this week: “Zionism is part and parcel of Judaism.” ”

This was published last month: “The Threshold of Dissent: A History of American Jewish Critics of Zionism” by Marjorie Feld
From the Amazon review: “Throughout the twentieth century, American Jewish communal leaders projected a unified position of unconditional support for Israel, cementing it as a cornerstone of American Jewish identity. This unwavering position served to marginalize and label dissenters as antisemitic, systematically limiting the threshold of acceptable criticism. In pursuit of this forced consensus, these leaders entered Cold War alliances, distanced themselves from progressive civil rights and anti-colonial movements, and turned a blind eye to human rights abuses in Israel. In The Threshold of Dissent, Marjorie N. Feld instead shows that today’s vociferous arguments among American Jews over Israel and Zionism are but the newest chapter in a fraught history that stretches from the nineteenth century.”

There is a long tradition of anti-zionism in the Jewish community. Why are we still having this debate about anti-zionism and anti-semitism?