

Anti-Defamation League CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt. Credit: ADL.

We are U.S. Jews who are deeply troubled by a recent speech given by the Anti-Defamation League’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, in which he defames grassroots and civil rights organizations committed to Palestinian justice and falsely conflates anti-Zionism with far right and violent extremism. Jewish communities must embrace anti-Zionist and non-Zionist voices, along with all other voices for justice.

Anti-Defamation League CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt. Credit: ADL.

The latest escalation by the ADL against CAIR, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, labeling them as antisemitic because they are anti-Zionist, is further proof of the ADL’s desperation. The ADL has long worked to secure total impunity for the Israeli government. For the Palestinian community, Zionism is the political ideology that has enabled their violent subjugation and systematic dispossession. People must be able to discuss and debate these issues without being falsely smeared as anti-Semites. 

Yair Rosenberg (via Twitter) with Israel's apartheid wall.

It is a cultural tragedy that Yair Rosenberg is the Atlantic’s antisemitism expert. He is an agitator. His job is to stir up the antiZionism=antisemitism and the BDS=antisemitism claims by baiting anti-Zionists, but when these discussions become real issues, he slinks away, because he is not prepared to defend the claims in a real world discussion. His baiting of the Institute for Middle East Understanding demonstrates that intellectual irresponsibility.

As Doaa Alremeili watches Israel welcoming Ukrainian Jewish refugees who will join its army and oppress Palestinians, she dreams of getting out of besieged Gaza and studying in Egypt. “I have survived four wars so far. And every level gets more difficult to pass. In every war of them, I was unarmed, unprotected and waiting for death. I’m in my late twenties and I have never stepped out of Gaza. I don’t know what Jerusalem really looks like or the Pyramids or Mecca or Minnesota.”

Former ambassador David Friedman says that Judaism is Zionism. “So if you do not support the state of Israel you do not support Judaism, therefore you are antisemitic.”
Then Friedman seemed to echo Ben Shapiro’s call for building a synagogue on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif in occupied Jerusalem, though he said the last time he did so, he’d “started a riot.” The two extremists spoke at an event kicked off by the Florida governor, who is considered a likely presidential candidate.