


Former ambassador David Friedman says that Judaism is Zionism. “So if you do not support the state of Israel you do not support Judaism, therefore you are antisemitic.”
Then Friedman seemed to echo Ben Shapiro’s call for building a synagogue on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif in occupied Jerusalem, though he said the last time he did so, he’d “started a riot.” The two extremists spoke at an event kicked off by the Florida governor, who is considered a likely presidential candidate.

The pro-Israel tactic of accusing advocates for Palestinian rights of antisemitism is weakening, as shown by a series of recent attacks. Now labelling Amnesty International an antisemitic organization for stating that Israel practices apartheid can only discredit those tactics further. Palestinians are becoming more relatable to the world, and the antisemitism charge is transparently its own form of bigotry, for it denies Palestinians the right to self-determination.

Yair Rosenberg, Bret Stephens, and Bari Weiss

After the synagogue attack in Texas, Yair Rosenberg and other “Never Again” journalists rushed in to explain that antisemitism is a belief in Jewish control that permeates America and transcends history. According to the hasbara culture these authorities propagate, it is always the 1930’s. And isn’t that convenient for Israel and its lobby: Never Again journalists seek to make it taboo to mention Israel’s political power in the U.S.

Nahr el Bared camp in Lebanon was one of the first camps established to shelter the Palestine refugees of the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1948. The six thousand refugees lived in the tents in Nahr-el Bared camp in the early 1950s. Later, tents were replaced by concrete huts. 1951. (Photo: UNRWA Archive/S.Madver)

The Nation runs a righwing religious endorsement of Zionism in an apparent sop to its New York base. The article opposes BDS, citing Jewish fears stemming from Nazis and “centuries of forced exile from a historic homeland.” And leaves out the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their land. And anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that Jewish connection is “goysplaining” to Jews, Alexis Grenell writes.

Israel advocates are pushing a new front. They say that progressive are antisemitic when they characterize Jews as privileged, and don’t acknowledge history and “the unique collective Jewish vulnerability.” So the anti-Zionist understanding that Israel is a powerful settler-colonial state is antisemitic because that leaves out the origins of Zionism in Jewish persecution in Europe, according to Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL and the Reut Group of Tel Aviv.