

Ken Loach and Jeremy Corbyn at the premiere of the film 'I, Daniel Blake', in 2016. (Photo: Joel Ryan/AP via Getty Images)

“I am proud to stand with the good friends and comrades victimised by the purge,’ filmmaker Ken Loach says of his expulsion from the Labor Party over bogus antisemitism allegations. It was predicted that once Jeremy Corbyn was out, the “antisemitism” claims within the UK Labour Party would suddenly vanish. Instead, the purge of Labour’s anti-Zionist left has adapted to the new battlefield.

The Israeli historian Shlomo Sand has ventured into a territory– Judeophobia– that is nowadays mostly occupied by ardent Zionists intent on proving that Jew hatred is eternal and that the state of Israel is the only place where the Jews can feel safe. In today’s Europe, argues Sand, Judeophobia has been largely replaced by Islamophobia, while erstwhile Antisemites have become admirers of Israel, particularly of its way of “dealing with the Muslims”.

Maurice Samuel’s 1924 tract, “You Gentiles,” is cherished by antisemites and Zionists alike because it says that a Jew can never mix successfully in a non-Jewish world because the Jew’s concerns are more serious, and the gentile’s more playful, so the Jew will always be “a source of unhappiness to himself and to those around him.” Samuel’s book insists on the impossibility of Jews and non-Jews living in stability and respect, and thus, the necessity of Jews living in their own land.

An Israeli soldier keeps guard near a Palestinian woman standing next to Star of David graffiti sprayed by Israeli settlers at an army checkpoint in the center of Hebron, May 18, 2009. (Photo: MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Zionism has not yet murdered Judaism but it has undermined its moral and historical integrity. Just as Israel must de-Zionize in order to finally find its place in the Middle East, so, too, must Jews abroad de-Zionize in order to reclaim their own traditions, experiences and communal validity.

In his recently published diary, the Conservative politician and former Minister Sir Alan Duncan, denounces in forthright terms his own Government’s acquiescence in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians with the active influence of the conservative Israel lobby. “[T]he rules of propriety, and all the morality and principle that goes with it, are discarded and rewritten to accommodate this exceptional pro-Israel infiltration into the very centre of our public life,” Duncan asserts.