
Janna Jihad


Illegal and repressive measures like those experienced by Nawal Tamimi and her daughter Janna in the Palestinian village Nabi Saleh call attention to how the occupation strips Palestinian mothers of their ability to parent their children in safe, healthy, and violence-free environments. They illuminate the ways in which mothers must respond to the unrelenting challenges of life under occupation while simultaneously raising children under state violence.

Democrats are all for two states as an article of faith. But their Israeli counterparts can’t use the phrase, instead talking about “divorcing” Palestinians or “separating” from Palestinians. So maybe we should pay more attention to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who says, “separate but unequal” didn’t work in the U.S. and it won’t work over there.

After Marc Lamont Hill gave a speech at the U.N. last November calling for equal rights in Palestine, his employer CNN called the next day and fired him. “They said, ‘Your speech was not in line with our values,'” he recalls to Palestinian journalist Janna Jihad. “I said, which part of the speech? They said, The speech.” Hill was shocked. “I’m prone to saying crazy shit. I just didn’t do it that day!”