
Jonathan Greenblatt


In 1948 an Israeli leader assured the U.N. that American Jews would be Israel’s “hostage” to the world to guarantee that Israel behaved itself well. But Israel didn’t behave well, and after failing to change Israel’s conduct, American Jewish organizations soon interpreted their role to mean denying Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights, and labeling all criticism antisemitic. Abba Solomon shares how the mission of American Jewish organizations, once centered on the rights and welfare of Jews in the United States and elsewhere, was affected and — ultimately — distorted by the success of militant Jewish nationalists in Palestine.

Israel advocates are pushing a new front. They say that progressive are antisemitic when they characterize Jews as privileged, and don’t acknowledge history and “the unique collective Jewish vulnerability.” So the anti-Zionist understanding that Israel is a powerful settler-colonial state is antisemitic because that leaves out the origins of Zionism in Jewish persecution in Europe, according to Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL and the Reut Group of Tel Aviv.

Anti-Defamation League CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt. Credit: ADL.

Sunrise Movement DC’s decision to withdraw from a voting rights rally because of the participation of three Zionist groups reflects the view of many on the left that you can’t be progressive and be a Zionist. This political future is disturbing to the Jewish establishment and rightwing groups called the decision “antisemitic” while liberal Zionists condemned the decision on cancellation grounds (though they cancel anti-Zionists all the time).

Palestinians sit in a tent that has been set up on top of the ruins of a building destroyed in recent Israeli air strikes, in the northern of in Gaza strip, on May 24, 2021. (Photo: Ramez Haboub/APA Images)

Israel suffered a P.R. disaster in the last Gaza attack: western media for once openly questioned the reasoning and morality behind yet another murderous onslaught on an imprisoned population, the fifth in the last 12 years. Even the NYT runs an op-ed saying that “legitimate resistance” to violence is a Palestinian right. Pro-Israel voices in the media are pushing back by saying sharp criticism of Israel is antisemitism.

Bari Weiss says antisemites convinced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to back out of a Rabin memorial. AOC actually was concerned with Rabin’s human rights record. But she and her supporters now join the “three-headed dragon of modern anti-Semitism” living in Bari Weiss’s imagination. And in Weiss’s perspective of sacred Jewish victimhood, defamation and dishonesty are no vice when fighting the enemies of the Jews.