
Jonathan Greenblatt

An image from the Mapping Project showing the connections between the Anti-Defamation League and law enforcement infrastructure in the Boston area.

After the Mapping Project published a study of links between establishment institutions responsible for the colonization of Palestine, and the economy of imperialism and war, and policing and gentrification, critics landed on it as a supposed antisemitic hitlist. We honor the Mapping Project’s work in a tradition of activist journalism; and recognize a familiar pattern: Whenever Israel lobby organizations in the Jewish community are held to account for their power over the discourse and U.S. policy, those same organizations seek to stifle the criticism by alleging antisemitism.

Anti-Defamation League CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt. Credit: ADL.

We are U.S. Jews who are deeply troubled by a recent speech given by the Anti-Defamation League’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, in which he defames grassroots and civil rights organizations committed to Palestinian justice and falsely conflates anti-Zionism with far right and violent extremism. Jewish communities must embrace anti-Zionist and non-Zionist voices, along with all other voices for justice.

Anti-Defamation League CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt. Credit: ADL.

The latest escalation by the ADL against CAIR, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, labeling them as antisemitic because they are anti-Zionist, is further proof of the ADL’s desperation. The ADL has long worked to secure total impunity for the Israeli government. For the Palestinian community, Zionism is the political ideology that has enabled their violent subjugation and systematic dispossession. People must be able to discuss and debate these issues without being falsely smeared as anti-Semites. 

ADL CEO & National Director Jonathan Greenblatt addressing the ADL's Virtual National Leadership Summit on May 1 2022

Last weekend, the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt said the quiet part out loud: in a national speech, he declared that the ADL is making war on antiracist organizers in the United States. It’s not just rhetoric. Blaming young organizers of color and disloyal Jews for antisemitism — declaring us an existential threat — Greenblatt was signaling to the right that it’s okay to target us.

Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL says anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and as dangerous to Jews as white nationalism. His speech is strategic. Greenblatt’s core audience is the political establishment and the Jewish establishment. He is trying to make sure that Democratic Party doesn’t accept the growing number of human rights reports accusing Israel of apartheid. And he is trying to keep more young Jews from saying Israel has no right to exist.

Acknowledging that support for Palestinian liberation means “you will be shunned from the newsroom, past accomplishments or legitimate arguments be damned,” Harvard Crimson editors “proudly” endorse the BDS campaign saying it is the best tool to liberate Palestinians from their “violent reality.” Harvard is a marker of establishment opinion; as recent Israeli apartheid reports have become a fad among human rights organizations, so too will BDS endorsements; and the Israel lobby is concerned.