Angry Jew Tells His Parents, Your Alienated, ‘Self-Hating,’ Pro-Palestinian Children Are Comin’ Home. Whoopee!

Here is a brilliant angry rant by David Mandelzys, a Canadian Jew, against his parents for the Zionist message he was forcefed at his last seder. Some highlights:

Why, here in Canada, where we are a minority amongst a Christian
majority, do we advocate for and support a ‘Jewish State’ in the Middle
, where the non-Jewish minority are treated as second class

We see a sick hierarchically organized Jewish community that is not
only serving as a smokescreen to allow the ongoing genocide of a
people; we also see the twisted irony that you, our parents who claim
we need Israel as a safeguard from anti-Semitism, are actually putting
us and the rest of World Jewry in danger…

the Israeli leadership and its North American lobby are so in bed with
the neo-cons that our community
will be suffering consequences for

From the disenchanted, once isolated Jews, a new community is rising…The kids
are coming home! All those ‘self-hating’ Jews who isolated themselves
from the community not because of a dislike for our culture, heritage,
or religion, but because they were told to leave after speaking their
mind on the oppression of the Palestinian people, are finding each
, organizing, and coming back. [Emphasis mine]

Mandelzys ends a lot more hopeful than he begins. Good, so do I. The soul-searchers will be on stage at Yivo, and we're gonna be giving talks at AIPAC before long. I'm serious. There's going to be a healing. May take years though. Something's happening right now and you dont know what it is…. Thanks to Janet McMahon at WRMEA for hipping me to this.

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