
Cantor, Possible McCain Second, Is a Gleaming Zealot Re Jerusalem

If you want to see Va. Rep. Eric Cantor, who's in the outside lane on the McCain veepstakes, here he is on youtube, in Jerusalem. Speaking last November, as "a longtime friend of [the rightwing group] One Jerusalem." He left the U.S. during Thanksgiving to give this speech. Why was this so important? Fear of Annapolis, Cantor says.

Some impressions:

Young. A little scary/gleaming looking. Speaks Hebrew. Has come to Jerusalem since he was a teenager, "to pray." Its centrality to the "Judeo-Christian tradition." Note the Christian Zionism. Deathly opposed to Annapolis. Fears that this city "god forbid will be divided. We cannot let that happen. We cannot let a black cloud hang over this city of gold."

Sorry, I can't watch any more of this ethnocentric piggitude or I'll vomit. Just ate dinner. But you wonder why Cantor has a "talent for fundraising," as JTA says? Isn't this the Sheldon Adelson play? God save the USA from these zealots….

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