
A good summary of Mondoweiss’s recent themes in 150 words or less

The following letter is posted on the Seattle Times website:

April 19, 2009
Israel rejects two-state plan

Segregation not the answer

What have we come to? For peace, Israel's government demands that Palestinians must recognize Israel (population 20 percent Palestinian) as a Jewish state, a Jewish democracy ["Israel rejects U.S. plan for 2-state solution," News, April 17]. And Obama wants two states, one for Jews and another for Palestinians.

Did Martin Luther King Jr. demand two states, one white and another colored, living side-by-side in peace and security? Did President Lyndon Johnson demand that the civil-rights movement first recognize the United States as a white nation, a white democracy as a precondition for any talks?

Meanwhile, Israel declares first macaroni and then jars of honey a threat to the Jewish state and refuses this humanitarian aid to the blockaded and surrounded Palestinian reservation known as Gaza. I wonder if Native Americans recognize the situation from their history of genocidal treatment by the white settlers and their nation.

— David Smith, Seattle

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