‘Weekly Standard’ accuses Sullivan of anti-Semitism

Fat's in the fire. Michael Goldfarb:

just in case you think [Andrew] Sullivan might not necessarily be using the term
neocon as a substitute for Zionist, he helpfully clears up any
confusion by referring to the paper's op-ed page as "hackneyed AIPAC
boilerplate." So while Sullivan and Khamenei may disagree over what end
the Jews seek through their nefarious control of the media, they both
understand what the real threat is.

Smart people should decide how "nefarious" anything is for themselves. But this is the usual dissembling. Jews have media power. What does it mean, and what doesn't it mean? Sullivan is upset over the firing of Dan Froomkin by Fred Hiatt, whom I grew up with, during summers in a scientific community, and went to college with. My crowd. We changed the world. How? Hush.

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