
Christison: ‘Under heavy pressure, Obama is being beaten down’

Former CIA analyst Kathleen Christison on Grit TV with Laura Flanders today. Wow: Flanders is taking on the Israel lobby frontally, featuring American left/realists talking about Obama’s "loyalty" to Israel. Good for her…

Flanders asks, "How did you who worked… deeply in establishment Washington… get curious?" Christison: "I do credit the CIA for exposing me to the actual situation. To get me away from the romantic image of Israel… that never did anything bad to the Palestinians."

Flanders: What about the American interest?

"This is one of the major root causes of terrorism against us…Because Muslim people, Arab people recognize that What we are doing to the Palestinians through Israel, what we are enabling, is a gross gross injustice."

Bill Christison, also former CIA: "The power of Israeli propaganda in this country…of the Israel lobby… gives this fairly small group in the United States gives this small group immense power…"

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