
Canadian Hasbara outfit is scraping the bucket

As mentioned earlier, Zionist hasbara efforts in Canada now boast a new initiative called ‘Size Doesn’t Matter’. The campaign has got most publicity so far on account of a video that combines sexual crudity with the erasure of Palestine from the map.

This propaganda drive, sponsored by the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy, also includes the scheduled appearance on campuses of a man called Kamal Saleem, "a former PLO terrorist".

So let’s get a sense of what kind of person the CIJA and Zionist campus groups think would make a good propagandist for Israel.

From Saleem’s ‘Koome Ministries‘:

It is our hearts cry to reach a lost and oppressed people through education, relationship, and prayer as to the truth and liberty in Christ Jesus. Teaching the redeeming power of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Our mission is to see ISHMAEL REDEEMED.

And Saleem, on his personal website, boasts quite the CV:

Like a star U.S. college football running back, Kamal ran important terror operations as a young man in the service of Yassir Arafat, under the coaching Abu Yussif and Abu Zayed (PLO/Fatah). He has worked for, and dined with, Muhamar Kaddafi (dictator of Libya). He has “carried the ball” for Baath Party leaders and military attaches of Saddam Hussein (dictator of Iraq) and Hafez al Assad (dictator of Syria), for Saudi Arabian sheikhs and princes, and for Abdul Rahman (Muslim Brotherhood). Kamal Saleem fought with the Afghan Mujahadeen for victory against the Soviets… before he and his patrons turned their attention to the destruction of the West – and Western freedoms – through Islamicization. Above all, Kamal thirsted for jihadic death to America.

Here he is in a more dramatic mood. And here he is describing his first mission at the age of seven.

Equipping travelling citizens with hasbara one-liners, sexual innuendo, and Koome Ministries – correct me if I’m wrong, but was the South African apartheid regime’s propaganda this bad?

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