
Jon Stewart plays ‘Let’s break a deal’ with AIPAC

Jon Stewart knocks it totally out of the ballpark in this recent episode of the Daily Show. He skewers AIPAC, congress and Israel over AIPAC’s proposed Iran sanctions legislation, and then some. He kills!

Bonus a Lindsey Graham imitation to die for– and then a photo of all the senators threatening to vote for more Iran sanctions appears on screen. Stewart questions why would Democrats vote for them? Cut away to lobby stalwart Jane Harman providing the answers:


Harman: A lot of them haven’t read it .

Stewart: Really, they haven’t read it yet? Well that’s never slowed them down before. Why? Why are the Dems really voting for this?

Harman: But I also think ah that with ah ah big parts of the pro-Israel lobby in the United States being against it, the country of Israel being against that’s ah a stiff hill to climb.

Stewart: Oh well that makes sense “The senators from the Great State of Israel are against it and we don’t want to go against the senators from the Great Sta..” wait a minute that’s not in our country that’s a whole other country entirely. Why do we have to listen to them? I mean Israel is our ally and I guess Iran is pretty provocative….

He goes off, and rips into Israel reading off Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon’s recent gaffe accusing John Kerry of operating from an incomprehensible obsession and a sense of messianist fervor.  The whole thing is priceless. Jon is a national treasure.

(Hat tip Karen Platt)

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Except that AIPAC has been largely mute. But to acknowledge that would be speaking fact to narrative….

That quote from the Iranian premier doesn’t feel right to me. If true, then it is a very misguided attempt to quell political forces in Iran that are opposed to the deal, but its public airing in a tweet read by the whole world is “unhelpful”.

It would not surprise me, however, if this was a “false flag tweet”, and (speculatively speaking) some nameless malicious adversaries may have hacked his twitter account. It just doesn’t fit with my image of this otherwise sensible leader brashly raising the hackles of the very people he has been negotiating with, but, humans are not infallible.

Something smells in Denmark.

On the brighter side, it is with great satisfaction that I view the entire Israeli machinery being exposed to the American public on a daily basis these days. If the comments section of mainstream blogs like Yahoo! News or Huffington Post (ugh!) are anything to go by, there is a very widely awakened citizenry that is aware of how Israel is bullying our electorate into funding them as well as sending our children to wars on their behalf. Jon Stewart is widely watched here and abroad. In fact, (sadly) a large number of people get their news solely from Stewart and Colbert. This is starting to make a difference in public perception.

I think great things are about to happen in this country, in fact, the dam is on the threshold of already breaking – and it is about f**king time!

still perpetuating the fiction of Iran chasing a Nuclear Weapon.

the US wouldn’t be sending money to Iran, it’d unblocking Iran’s access to its own money.

/tut tut .. honesty is so hard to do.

Jon Stewart really captures the essence of Lindsey Graham.

. . . Every man wants to be a macho man
To have the kind of body always in demand
Joggin’ in the mornings, go man go
Workouts in the health spa, muscles grow
You can best believe me
He’s a macho man
Glad he took you down with anyone you can
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Macho, macho man
I gotta be a macho man
Macho macho man
I gotta be a macho . . .

Jon Stewart is a Jewish lightweight. Let’s talk the heavyweight Goy, Chris Hayes, who directly attacked the GOP & handful of Democrats who are pushing the bill to sabotage the Iran deal & transfer US war power to Israel: