
WINEP Cites Geneva Convention Re Iranian Rebels, Forgets About It When It Comes to Palestinians Under Occupation

Here's a feverish piece from WINEP (Obama aide Dennis Ross's hangout), calling for the United States to protect the MEK, an Iranian resistance force based in Iraq, which Iraq's leaders want to extirpate. WINEP's Raymond Tanter, a visiting prof at Georgetown, wants to use the MEK to leverage Iran on nukes, and then cites the 4th Geneva convention:

International humanitarian law is vital to the MEK issue, especially if
the group's adversaries succeed in their efforts. Coalition forces
recognize the residents of [the MEK camp] Ashraf as "protected persons" under the
Fourth Geneva Convention, as does the International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC). In 2004, the ICRC reiterated its position in a letter…."

Nice that WINEP upholds the Geneva convention. It never does so in the Palestinian context. But under the Geneva convention, the Palestinians have the right as an occupied people to humanitarian relief; to be free from
settlements and the pilfering of water/resources. And we're not even talking about the first additional protocol, which gives Palestinians a right to
resist occupation.

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