
Israel lobby is foraging for twigs

I think I've missed the story, re Madoff. Last night Adam Horowitz wrote me, "I get your interest in the ethnocentrism angle, but
I'd remind you of the dollars and cents angle – how much money has
the Israel lobby lost in the past few days? Madoff, combined with the possible growing realist political shift,
might be adding up to a perfect storm for the lobby in DC (or as
perfect as we're going to get). Now only if people are ready to exploit
the opportunity." Huh.

Then this morning my wife was talking to a leftwing activist friend in England, and she had the same line. She laughed about the Madoff scandal. "These are the people who have been funding Israel and the occupation," she said, "I hope it drains them." My wife asked her friend how she was doing for money. "Poor. Poor. Last week we ate twigs, this week we're eating the bark at the bottom of the bag."

(And yes: apologies for literary license to the Gazans, who truly are eating grass.)

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