Why American writers are censored, and censor themselves, re Israel/Palestine

AC writes:
Take a look at this critique of Waltz with Bashir by Gideon Levy in Haaretz. Look at his diction — bloodthirsty soldiers, shelling women and children, propaganda, fraud and deceit, the lines about the Holocaust
and victims — and unrelentingly scolding tone.
Now tell me: if such a
piece a were written and seen by someone in the U.S., or anywhere
outside of Israel
in the "west", for that matter, and even if it was seen by a critic of
Israel, or even an anti-Zionist, would they not be taken aback by it in
the slightest way, and be ever so hesitant about endorsing or
publishing it for its "harsh" or "carping" or "obsessive" or "bitter"
or "acrid", and therefore possibly antisemitic, nature? Would they not
contemplate editing it for a gentler choice of words, especially
regarding the Holocaust and victims? It's not inconceivable that this
would be the case, is it? But not in Israel, and not for Gideon Levy.
As for the movie itself, the piece says it all.

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