
Mark Green plays religion card, and Dershowitz card, in bid for Jewish votes

Former Nader raider Mark Green’s in a runoff tomorrow against City Councilman Bill de Blasio to be the Democratic nominee for Green’s old job, Public Advocate of NYC; and Green is playing the religion card bigtime. He’s put out literature signalling to Jewish voters that he’s Jewish and a blind supporter of Israel and opponent of Arabs. (When people ask what’s wrong with Jewish identity, here it is; everyone’s assumed to be a religious nationalist.) Look at the two pieces below. Green pictured Alan Dershowitz’s endorsement in one– apparently Dersh cuts a lot of ice in his old stomping grounds– and speaks of "Israel’s enemies" and "Arab blackmail" in the other, referring to the Arab boycott of Israel. Note that one piece also speaks of Green being a part of "our cultural fabric" for decades without saying what community he means by that. I.e., Green’s Jewish, the other guy ain’t.


Says the person who passed this along:

I just got a very disturbing mailing from Mark Green’s campaign (possibly sent only to people with Jewish-sounding names). It has a picture and endorsement from Alan Dershowitz and reads inside "Protected Israel against her enemies," talking about how Green filed a lawsuit in 1980 to disclose names of any company cooperating with the boycott on Israel. It quotes him as saying in 1980 "We hope this publicity will deter companies in the future from knuckling under to Arab blackmail." I called his campaign office (646) 405-5550 and told them that, though I am Jewish, after receiving this racist and inappropriate mailing, I am telling everyone I know not to vote for Mark Green.

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