
Jack Ross defends Rabbi Waskow

I’ve now read the Waskow piece in full– "Toward an Abrahamic Peace"  in Foreign Policy in Focus– nd I find it stunning that Jeffrey Blankfort and so many of your readers can so knee-jerkedly denounce an essay that praises civil disobedience against the blockade of Gaza and endorses the Goldstone report.  I am in full agreement with Waskow’s argument against BDS in the abstract:  I recognize that there may be militating factors against the principled position, reasonable people can differ on this, and I personally remain ambivalent.  But Waskow gives absolutely no indication that he is opposed to a reasoned dialogue on the question.

This is frankly of a piece with gratuitous Palestinian chauvinism. Shlomo Sand is exactly right when he said Zionism invented two peoples, the Jewish and the Palestinian.

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