
Nargila ban distracts attention from ethnic cleansing

The New York Times, blazing beacon of Palestinian women’s rights, broke an important story yesterday front and center on its website: Hamas bans Nargila ("water pipes") in public, specifically targeting woman.

As Glatzer would say, once again the NYT is "spinning one for the ladies in the house tonight." This time the groove is:

Islamic governments are oppressing women in Gaza and around the Arab world (whereas Israel is the land of women’s rights, gay rights, etc.)

Meanwhile, Israel continues to devour and ethnically cleanse the Jordan Valley, and the NYT can’t see that as news fit to print. Must be too hard to spin:

While the Sheikh Jarrah expulsions are attracting interest in Israel and elsewhere, hardly anyone notices or protests what’s going on in the Jordan Valley.

There, far from view, Israel has been trying for several years to methodically remove Palestinian inhabitants from wide swaths of land. And in a week when the prime minister was making more promises about a "package of gestures" to the Palestinians, in order to curry favor in Washington, the Civil Administration bulldozers brutally destroyed several more encampments, leaving dozens of residents helpless and destitute under the open sky.

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