
Warmongering Jeffrey Goldberg calls on Obama to use missile strikes against Iran

We can now say for sure that after Jeffrey Goldberg smashed the New Yorker’s credibility to bits by publishing a bogus story about Saddam Hussein getting nuclear weapons, paving the liberals’ path to that disastrous war, he smashed the Atlantic Magazine’s credibility to bits last year by using the magazine to hysterically push an American attack on Iran– “The point of no return… who if anyone will stop Iran?” We can say as much because Goldberg is now plain about his agenda at Bloomberg News.

Here he is personally advocating what he covertly advocated in the Atlantic, in the earlier instance putting the argument on Netnayahu et al: America must act, so that Israel doesn’t have to. And once again, he cites an olio of anonymous Holocaust-inflected sources saying Israel has no choice but to go to war against Iran, and so America must do the job because it will do it better. So, Obama should be prepared to use missile strikes.

I believe, based on interviews inside and outside the White House, that he would consider using force — missile strikes, mainly — to stop the Iranians from crossing the nuclear threshold. ..

This isn’t to say that Obama has decided to use whatever means necessary to stop Iran. (He faces opposition in the Pentagon, for one thing, though the U.S. military has much greater capabilities than Israel.) Nor is a U.S. strike something desirable, even if done in concert with Western allies. …

But numerous Israeli officials have told me that they are much less likely to recommend a preemptive strike of their own if they were reasonably sure that Obama was willing to use force. And if Iran’s leaders feared there was a real chance of a U.S. attack, they might actually modify their behavior. I believe Obama would use force — and that he should make that perfectly clear to the Iranians.

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Oh let’s just send this Goldberg guy, on the first kamikaze plane to an unknown, fully deserted , desolate location.

War-mongering pure and simple. Who keeps twerps like him on the air-waves?

there is an option at the link to enlarge his photograph. i recommend. he’s got the slightest smirk in his determined expression and his eyes and jaw look clenched/fixed. kinda creepy.

That sun rising on his morning trip to Masada will forever be ingrained in the memory of an IDF soldier, Jeffrey is no exception.

We’ve witnessed the endless supply of pork that floweth to Israel for decades, and the traffickers like Jeffrey will always be gunning for more pork for their Israel project. Their loyalty should be called into question, for they don’t understand the problems that they cause. Let Israel fight their wars, or make peace with their neighbors. America is not the mercenary army on call for Netanyahu and his American comrade journalists.

Sadly, I think Goldberg will succeed. The Obama Administration in not only not standing against this warmongering campaign, it is aiding it with claims about the absurd Scary Iran Plot and Iranian nuclear program. Even if Obama doesn’t actually want war, he’s helping box himself in politically to eventually force his hand (all in the name of pre-empting those crazy Israelis from doing anything dangerous, of course).

Keep an eye on the carriers. When a 3rd one reaches the Arabian Sea, buy gold.