
Adelson is punching bag for Axelrod, but Axelrod doesn’t dare mention Adelson’s big issue

An email from guru David Axelrod of the Obama campaign to supporters today lands on Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire backer of Mitt Romney. But funnily enough, the email says nothing about Adelson’s #1 issue, the reason he helped host a fundraiser for Romney in Jerusalem: support for greater Israel. No, Axelrod says Adelson is supporting Romney on tax issues. So the Democrats are afraid to politicize the Adelson-enabled destruction of the two-state solution and alienation of the Arab world; afraid to touch any issue that could alarm rightwing Jews. “I honestly can’t think of a more straightforward contrast in this election,” says Axelrod about Adelson. Yes but not on Israel. The Dems are running to the right of Romney on such questions, even though they’d find a broad middle ground politically. (Thanks to Janet McMahon). Axelrod email:

Friend —

Sheldon Adelson, the conservative billionaire Las Vegas casino owner, has pledged to give up to $100 million — whatever it takes — to defeat Barack Obama.

We know it’s not out of love for Mitt Romney, so why part with so much money? As President Clinton reminded us last week, sometimes the answer is as simple as arithmetic.

So let’s do the math: According to a new report from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Adelson could see up to $2 billion in savings under Mitt Romney’s tax plan versus the President’s plan. That’s how much Romney’s policies would favor millionaires and billionaires.

If Mitt Romney wins — $2 billion more for Adelson. If Barack Obama wins, millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share.

It’s a highly cynical but straightforward calculation.

Today, you can help write a different equation.

Donate $15 or more, and let’s make sure this election is decided by millions of Americans, not a handful of billionaires.

Here’s how it would work for Adelson in a Romney-Ryan administration:

    – Romney would keep in place the Bush tax cuts, and cut Adelson’s income taxes by an additional 20 percent. Adelson savings: $1.5 million per year on income he earns as CEO.
    – Romney’s plan eliminates taxes on foreign profits like the ones Adelson makes on his Asian casinos. Adelson savings: $1.2 billion.
    – Romney’s plan maintains the current low tax rate on dividends. Adelson savings: $120 million per year.
    – Romney’s plan removes the estate tax. Adelson heirs save: $8.9 billion.

I honestly can’t think of a more straightforward contrast in this election.

We don’t have Sheldon Adelson, and with all due respect, we don’t want him.

We’re relying on more than 3 million grassroots donors, who are giving an average of $58.

Donate $15 or more today and let’s win our way:

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Actually, it’s smart on Axelrod’s part. It’s the argument I would make. Dollars and sense. No one gives a shit about the Israel argument. It’s all airy fairy, Phil, until it hits their pocketbook. That’s why an Iranian war is so unpopular. Everyone knows it would be gas at $10/gal, affecting the ability to drive to work, and transportation costs for all food stuffs through the roof and affecting everyone, whether you eat at home or out. I have friends who have a lot of trouble feeding their kids right now. It breaks my heart; I ache at their efforts to hide it from me out of shame. (You be the father of three, with a wife, who earned $250Gs in 2008 and now you’re making $10/hr.; he’s just glad he’s got a goddam job.) That’s why I keep saying that if Israel strikes Iran, and all this happens, you can take anti-Israel and anti-Jewish to the bank.

NYC, DC, and Atlanta are clueless about the desperation out here. Clueless, heartless, and failing to understand how consequences work. They confuse them with results.

Axelrod hit the right tone. And the right issue.

I received this same notice this morning and was struck by the same issue of Axelrod’s leaving out ADELSON’S primary reason for backing NEO CON Romney. Not one word about ADELSON financing both Netenyahu and Romney’s election campaigns, not a word about ADELSON financing a free newspaper in Israel that is a mouthpiece for Netanyahu, The LIKUD PARTY, the NEO CON desire for war with Iran and the SETTLEMENT EXPANSIONS.

Seems to me that Axelrod, Immanuel, and others of Obama advisors (previous and current) as well as cabinet members do themselves lean toward the NEO CON’s and the LOBBY AIPAC. If they don’t why would they be so blind to what Americans whether Jewish or not, are in poll after poll saying that they’ve had enough of both the NEO CON’s, their warmongers and the LOBBY AIPAC.

Mr Weiss I think you ought to consider strongly forwarding Mondoweiss to all of Obama’s advisors and cabinet members, the Democratic Party leaders, as well as to all of Congress and the Senate. These blind followers of the Lobby AIPAC need to be made more aware that there are a majority out here in America that they aren’t listening to. Would that be so crazy an Idea ?

“We don’t have Sheldon Adelson, and with all due respect, we don’t want him.”

I think it’s a clever way to say more to Jewish and other better informed supporters, without having to broach the subject of essentially taboo topics, like why are the Likudniks, NeoCons and AIPAC trying so hard to take us to war in Iran, while accusing those who dig into the reasons critically of being Anti-Semites? Which opens such a can of worms for the uninitiated as to demand 10,000 words of explanation, or a daily review of Mondoweiss for the last many years.

The Likudniks have sought to manipulate America in this fashion, a rapidly growing number of non-Jewish Americans are aware of and offended by it, but not yet ready to openly engage in such criticism. Axelrod is celebrating the freedom to attack anyone, even someone widely known to be a Jew for whom Israel is his one issue, for using his wealth to buy influence to protect and enhance his wealth. The Neocons are saying loudly they cannot understand how any Jew can support Obama, and Axelrod is saying most Jews still support Obama and are offended by Adelson and the Neocons. Obama is “wicked smart” to use Phil’s phrase, and, while not much of a fighter, is nonetheless throwing some effective punches, while parrying effectively, against Netanyahu’s crude bullying, and Romney’s crude campaigning. His mastery of nuance is a strength. I suspect he’s using that strength to use only the minimun “force” necessary to win re-election. This is a pretty good shot, in that context.

Paul Pillar has a zinger up “Netanyahu’s Arrogance” up at National Interest

PHIL- Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! From Mondoweiss all we see is Adelson and Israel. Now, from Axelrod all we hear is Adelson and tax breaks. So now we see that Adelson has at least two core concerns. And you know what? When the dust settles, the actual policy (facts on the ground, not rhetoric) of either one as President will be remarkably similar. Actually, it could be worse for Obama as he has no opposition to his war mongering, neoliberal ways. I personally think Obama will win and in appreciation will give his base a royal screwing, even worse than what he did during his first term, which is to throw the 99% under the bus. Protests? The police have been militarized, the laws have been enacted, and the prison-industrial complex is waiting.