
Iran/Palestine (keep your eye on the ball)

Remember my post, “Look over there! All eyes on Iran as Israel quietly devours Area C?” Or Joseph Dana’s comment on the goal of Israel’s psychological warfare against Iran? We can repeat it till the cows come home but will anyone ever listen?

Chris Zambelis at Asia Times:

Alternatively, Israel’s relentless threats and diatribes against Iran may have been conceived to achieve a different set of goals. For all its bluster, there is little evidence to indicate that Israel could successfully execute an attack against Iran’s nuclear program and achieve any sort of military success. The scale of the regional conflagration and global economic catastrophe that would certainly follow an Israeli strike is also likely deterring Israel from following through with its threats.

Nevertheless, drawing the world’s attention to Iran enables Israel to divert the eyes of international public opinion away from its ongoing occupation of Palestinian land; doing so provides it with the cover it needs to consolidate its hold permanently over the lives of millions of Palestinians and their natural resources – water, oil and natural gas – in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. Defined as illegal under international law, Israeli settlements in the occupied territories continue to be constructed at record pace, creating new facts on the ground. Meanwhile, Palestinians are left to inhabit disconnected and impoverished enclaves reminiscent of the South African-style Bantustans born out of the apartheid era.

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You are so right Annie, Israel is too smart to go after Iran. All the talk about attacking it is a diverion from what Israel is up to against the Palestinians and most probably the Arabs of Jerusalem that are about to be transferred.

What amazes me is how the Jewish people would allow their leaders to destroy Israel by creating a situation whereby The Jewish State becomes the Bi National State.

Bye Bye Israel,hello one man , one vote.

What was that you said about A Jewish State.

How long did it last this time???.

Spot on, Annie.

and while israel goads the whole world into attacking Iran and no one can now trade with them, israel allows its government and its people to still trade with Iran … hypocrites isn’t strong enough a word