
Israelis accuse Kerry of courting rockets, anti-Semitism, and Nobel Prize

More incoming for John Kerry.

The settlers’ organization, Yesha Council, released the video above, which features an Israeli actor impersonating Kerry not that well, and predicting “a lot of rockets” with his peace plan, and pulling for a Nobel prize.

Dani Dayan, Chief Foreign Envoy of the YESHA Council responded to the new video, saying: “This parody video is another effort by the YESHA Council to highlight the infeasibility of John Kerry proposals which are at best unrealistic and at worst a danger to the State of Israel”

Meantime, there have been more attacks from the Israeli gov’t on Kerry for daring to dignify the word boycott, in a statement in Munich in which he said that his plan would stave off the growing movement to delegitimize Israel, including “talk of boycotts.” (We mentioned the first round of this anger yesterday). From AFP:

“It is sad to see that the US administration does not understand the reality of the Middle East and exerts pressure on the wrong side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” said Gilad Erdan, the minister for Home Front Defence and a close associate of Netanyahu [to] … public radio.

Housing Minister Uri Ariel of the far-right Jewish Home party, which opposes a two-state solution to the conflict, told army radio that in raising the threat of a boycott, Kerry was not being “an honest broker” in the negotiations.

Sydney Morning Herald headlines its report on the backlash, “John Kerry backing ‘anti-Semitic’ efforts, says Israel”:

The US Secretary of State was accused of supporting “anti Semitic” interests on Sunday after warning that Israel faced an economic boycott if it failed to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians….

[Kerry’s] remarks were made against a backdrop of new European Union regulations barring deals with Israeli businesses based in West Bank settlements, but they provoked claims that he was threatening Israel in peace talks with the Palestinians….

An official in the Settlers’ Council, Adi Mintz, accused Mr Kerry of “an anti-Semitic initiative”. Mr Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting that efforts to impose a boycott were “immoral and unjust” and doomed to fail.

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As I have said before, metaphorically, Kerry was getting raped while he was sleeping, he then wokes up and let the rapist keep on.
Why does American gov. do this to themselves?!

A predictable tactic as Kerry starts to win on the merits – a personal smear designed to change the subject and put him personally on the defensive. Does he react by pleading with the defamers in self-defense, or dismiss them and the charge as a pitiful effort to change the subject?

So according to the leaked plan, Israel gets to keep 80% of the settlements, permanent occupation of Jordan Valley and who knows what else they’ll get/maybe a fence on the other side, monopoly over the airspace… in the end it’ll be a new sealed-off Gaza with autonomy in name only.

But all that is still not enough. And in fact it’s “anti-Semitic”.
I’m not surprised. Nobody who has actually been following the news from Israel these past few decades, and certainly the last one, should be.

And where are “liberal” Zionists? They are busy defending Sodastream and other companies profiting from the occupation.

And then the idiots wonder why they are losing the battle of minds.

The Dersh and Foxy have been doing this for decades to anyone who says anything that doesn’t accord with the true plan for the greater Israel. Why should a U.S. Secretary of State be treated any differently. I just wish it could be shown on network news along with the yearly price tag for our subservience to Israel.

All the bluster over the years, the violence, the murders, the ethnic hatred, the chutzpah, the disregard for law, the M16s, the sunglasses, the swimming pools, the certainty- the settlers are not able to make their case in public any more.

Suck on this, YESHA