Media Analysis

Check out the new Mondoweiss wall calendar for 2019 – Life, Resistance and History in Palestine

Mondoweiss is pleased to announce the creation of our first-ever wall calendar, now available for purchase. The 2019 calendar shows key dates in Palestine/Israel’s history, along with images of daily Palestinian life and resistance.

We produced this calendar to share with you the kind of images that Mondoweiss publishes daily. We hope this is a product you will be happy to display in your home, office or give as a gift. The calendar will begin shipping in early October – but you can pre-order now.

Throughout the calendar, we depict many facets of work, play, standing up and speaking out that make up the complex experiences of Palestinians living in Gaza, the West Bank and within the Green Line.

This calendar was made possible by talented photographers whose artistry captured compelling stories. We are grateful for their work documenting reality in Palestine.

As you know, reader-supported journalism can shift the public discourse and ultimately, change facts on the ground. Your support enables Mondoweiss to deliver information, analysis and voices stifled elsewhere— the news that no one else will publish. If you know people who would enjoy this calendar, we hope you will share this email with them. Or order now to give as a holiday gift!

Check out the new Mondoweiss wall calendar for 2019

Check out the new Mondoweiss wall calendar for 2019

Check out the new Mondoweiss wall calendar for 2019