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Your support today keeps Mondoweiss available to all

Day in and day out, Mondoweiss brings you news of Palestinians’ struggles for human rights and related developments in the United States, Israel, and around the world. These stories are usually ignored by legacy and corporate media, and when they are covered, the voices of Palestinians are often silenced.

That’s why it’s crucial that the news and information we publish is freely available to everyone, and why we are committed to providing reliable, responsible news and opinion without subscriptions or paywalls. 

Over the past week we’ve asked you, our readers and supporters, to step forward with a monthly donation to keep Mondoweiss strong. This type of support provides us with a reliable stream of revenue that we can count on to continue our important coverage.

Today is the last day of our fall campaign. If you haven’t already done so, could you make a monthly gift today? Start a new monthly donation of any amount before midnight tonight and a generous friend of Mondoweiss will add $100.

We recognize that this is a difficult time for many, so if you can’t give financially right now, please keep reading and sharing. All contributions – financial and otherwise – help us provide the news and information we all need to make informed decisions and demand justice.

Mondoweiss is profoundly grateful to everyone who shares our mission and supports journalism for justice. You’ve chosen to play an important role in making this information available to all. 

If you are able, please give generously. Your gift will be increased by $100 if you donate before midnight.

If you prefer to make a one-time gift at this time, please go to our main Donate page.