Media Analysis

Support for political violence, whether in the U.S. or overseas, is as American as cherry pie

There have been plenty of stupid comments in the mainstream U.S. media since Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol. Many have been along the lines of, “We expect this kind of political violence in the Mideast, or in a banana republic — not in our own democratic America.”

Such remarks betray a limited understanding of both the historic U.S. role overseas, and of America’s own history. Let’s start with a somewhat obscure but still revealing example, from Israel/Palestine. In 2006, the George W. Bush administration pressed the Palestinian Authority to hold new elections in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. Jerome Slater (whose new book, “Mythologies Without End”, is an indispensable guide to truths in the Mideast), explains that Bush’s advisers assumed that “the PA would easily win.” But Hamas actually came in first. So Bush applied strong economic pressure, and also “began planning for a coup to overturn the election results.” Bush asked conservative Arab states to supply arms to the PA’s armed branch, led by Mohammed Dahlan.

In June 2007, Dahlan’s forces attacked Hamas in Gaza, but were “soundly defeated,” and Hamas took full power in the beleaguered territory. Slater points out:  

Since then, in Israel and the United States these events have been typically described as “a coup” when, in fact, it was a response to a real coup — the US and PA actions after the wrong side won the Gaza elections.

Gazans who can pause their daily struggle for survival long enough to follow the news from Washington may be permitted their skepticism at American claims that our country universally supports democracy and is appalled at coup attempts.

The prominent Democrat, Rahm Emanuel, also reacted to the storming of the U.S. Capitol with a particularly stupid comment that showed he must have gotten a good grade in Orientalism 101. Emanuel said on ABC News that increasing friction between Democrats and Republicans is “going to make the Sunnis and Shiites look like a very calm family gathering.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) denounced Emanuel’s comments as “Islamophobic,” and noted: “In America and abroad, Sunni and Shia Muslims live as neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family members.” Emanuel was only echoing the Orientalist belief that a major source of conflict in the Mideast, especially in Iraq, is due to theological differences between two branches of Islam that split in the year 661. No genuine expert believes this. It is true that sectarian conflict is part of Iraq’s more recent history, but it worsened terribly during the violence and insecurity that followed the 2003 U.S. invasion. It wasn’t a 7th century dispute over the line of succession to the Prophet Muhammad that increased conflict, but America’s brutal intervention.

Certain U.S. mainstream media figures also trotted out the disparaging expression “banana republic” to deplore what happened at the Capitol. They showed more ignorance about America’s role. The United Fruit Company, starting in the late 19th century, created pliable governments in Central America that allowed them to seize vast tracts of land for their banana plantations. United Fruit was managed by New England bluebloods; John Foster Dulles, later Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, represented the company when he was a law partner at the prestigious firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. In the 1940s, people in Guatemala rebelled, and in two democratic elections voted for presidents who tried to curb United Fruit’s power. The result was the infamous 1954 CIA-sponsored coup, which led to decades of military dictatorships that culminated in the 1982 mass murder in indigenous Mayan communities. 

“Banana republic” is certainly a shameful expression, but it reflects badly not on the people of Central America, but on the New England Brahmins who exploited them.

Nor were the mainstream commenters right to suggest that political violence is somehow hitherto unknown in America itself. After white Southerners lost the Civil War, they maintained their power in the region over the next century by organizing anti-black terrorist militias like the Ku Klux Klan, and lynching nearly 5000 people, the majority of them black. When the 1960s civil rights leader H. Rap Brown said, “Violence is as American as cherry pie,” he knew what he was talking about. 

One talented young journalist has become a master at critiquing the warped view of the world that many Americans share. Karen Attiah, a Ghanaian-American, is the Global Opinions editor at the Washington Post. She regularly writes convincing satires of how the Western media would cover certain domestic news events if they had happened in the Global South. Her latest is another success. She quotes Joe Biden — “The scenes of chaos at the Capitol . . . do not represent who we are” — and then turns to a fictitious African expert for sage comment:

The phrase “this is not who we are” has become a very common refrain in American English, said Alphas Huxly, a Liberian professor of American studies and literature. “It is a knee-jerk response used when confronted with mounting evidence of the capacity for White violence and attacks on democracy.”

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We should certainly also mention the 1953 CIA coup against democratically elected Iranian PM Mohammad Mossadegh (see
Without this coup we wouldn’t have had the current Iranian regime, and without this coup the regime wouldn’t have been from it’s inception so hostile towards the USA.

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Somewhat off topic, but a ‘must read.’

Defending Apartheid –

Defending Apartheid—An Analysis (9 January 2021) by Prof. Lawrence Davidson

“Part I—Apartheid ”

“In 2017 the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) issued a report on the conditions of Palestinians under Israeli rule. The report covered the situations of both Palestinian citizens of Israel and the subject population in the Occupied Territories. The report concluded ‘Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.’ 

“Though U.S. and Israeli pressure managed to suppress the report, evidence for this charge of apartheid is clear-cut. More recently, the facts have been brought together in a succinct presentation by the noted journalist Jonathan Cook. In a 2018 issue of The Link, a publication of Americans for Middle East Understanding, he wrote an expose` entitled ‘Apartheid Israel.’ Some of the particulars Cook looks at are: citizenship inequality, nationality inequality, marriage inequality, legal inequality, and residential inequality. The predictable Palestinian struggle seeking equality and the end of apartheid is seen as a subversive movement by both Israel’s Jewish majority and its increasingly rightwing governments. 

“Of course, some Israeli Jews do understand that the country has a serious problem with racism. For instance, this comes through in the June 2020 Haaretz report that indicates that as ‘world sensitivity to racism and oppression’ increases ‘historical injustice in Israel is … only getting worse.’

“Part II—The ‘Nation-State’ Law”
“One of the ways things are getting worse in Israel is through the enshrining of Zionist-inspired apartheid in law. On 18 July 2018 the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) enacted a ‘Nation-State’ Law. It defines the State of Israel as the nation-state ‘of the Jewish people only.’ In other words, only Jews can hold ‘nationality rights’ in Israel. (cont’d.)


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“MK (member of the Knesset) Yariv Levin dubbed the law ‘Zionism’s flagship bill … that will put Israel back on the right path. A country that is different from all others in one way, that it is the nation-state of the Jewish people.’ MK Amir Ohana, who chaired the special committee that shaped the bill, stated: ‘This is the law of all laws. It is the most important law in the history of the State of Israel, which says that everyone has human rights, but national rights in Israel belong only to the Jewish people.’ The absurdity of this proposition is exposed by the fact that the Palestinian minority has been denied significant aspects of its human rights for over 70 years. As it turns out, the two categories of rights, national and human, have been interdependent ever since the development of the sovereign state.” 

I will be duly impressed and well remember the name of the MSM outlet that leverages into American consciousness the fact that the US government has perpetrated 81 foreign election interventions since the end of WW 2.

The Soviet Union scored a mere 36.


We are past masters at the art of democracy-subversion. We orchestrated victories or defeats depending upon our self-serving preferences in Chile, Palestine, Guatemala, Iran, Indonesia…even Israel! We have entire bureaus at CIA/State/Pentagon/NSA exclusively dedicated to this dark science.

This country was founded upon the practice, if not the overtly stated policy, of limiting, controlling and containing all aspects of the franchise. Landed, white, of-age males made up the entire electoral pool for many years.

For an accurate, credible account of the history of our electoral shenanigans, read:

Until and unless we establish a Federal online voter registration database (perhaps operated by the League of Women Voters or some coalition of well-respected, community-based groups) state legislatures, political parties, ideological factions, wealthy individuals and other selfish actors will do all in their power to manipulate the electoral process to their advantage. By having a national voting database site where every single American could privately and securely register all their vital voting data, updating it as necessary, no election will be truly fair, free and inclusive. They will merely be the raffle-like result of the ongoing belligerence between the public interest and private interests.

The Constitutions requires the states to carry out elections and this is how it should be. However, by empowering every American with a resource to provide – AT THE VERY POINT OF VOTING – Federally approved residency, age, citizenship and any other legitimately required information would effectively subvert all attempts to disqualify otherwise qualified voters. Citizens could use their IRS tax data, Social Security registration information, Veterans Administration status, local utility data, etc. to establish and confirm all the bona fides. Coupled with a franchise-at-birth right, much as exists for a passport, we could make electoral corruption a thing of the past.

Things. Do. Not. Have. To. Be. As. They. Are

“Democratic America”??? Is this a joke? First off…”democracy” died behind closed doors decades ago, instead we get “democracy of big business”. And second…the US has always been a violent nation – abroad AND at home. And it isn’t all Americans…it is the white race that still believes it is supreme. The exact opposite has been proven in Washington, D.C.