
State archive glitch reaffirms Israel’s genocidal intent

Recently unearthed statements from Israel's founders endorsing ethnic cleansing and violence during the Nakba will only be shocking if you are not familiar with the long history of Zionist leaders and thinkers showing genocidal intent towards Palestinians.

A technical glitch in Israel’s State Archives has revealed quotations from Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion and Israel’s first agricultural minister Aharon Zisling stating that “we must wipe them [Palestinian villages] out” and that forgiveness was to be offered to Jewish forces found to have committed “instances of rape” against Palestinian women. These long-censored writings illustrate the brutal reality Palestinians have testified to, and been subjected to, since Al Nakba, or The Catastrophe, in 1947-48. 

While the quotations are intensely disturbing, even more so is the apparent shock with which they have been received. Such reactions are only due to blatant disregard for the Palestinians’ powerful indigenous testimony, and ignoring the long history of statements from Israeli leaders themselves that reveal similar genocidal intent. 

It is fact, beyond the realm of reasonable doubt, that the acts described in the United Nation’s definition of Genocide were committed en masse during the Nakba and continue today. During the Nakba, Zionist forces violently expelled over 750,000 Palestinians from their native lands, razed over 530 villages, cities, and towns, conducted numerous massacres (often hundreds of women, children, and men, per massacre), and raped countless native women—which Aharon Zisling, of course, would “forgive”. Thus, the only remaining factor to constitute genocide is intent. Here, Ben-Gurion’s uncovered statement is sufficient proof. What else does a written statement of the desire and perceived necessity to “wipe them [Palestinian villages] out” constitute, besides the intent to eradicate an ethnic, racial group? 

Ben-Gurion answers such a question quite aptly, writing in a letter to his son in 1937, “we must expel the Arabs and take their place”. It was to be the complete annihilation and purging of a native people from their historic homeland, and the superimposition of what Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, termed “alien settlers”, therein. 

Ben-Gurion was not alone. The outed documents are perhaps the most recent exposition of Israel’s crimes, but are by no means, unique. Any objective reading of history—be it the diaries of Theodore Herzl (the father of Zionism), the drafting of the Balfour Declaration, or the works of Israel Zangwill (a primary proponent of cultural Zionism)—evidences the conclusion that the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestine in 1947-48 was deeply premeditated. The Zionist movement and its allies considered expelling the natives a fundamental necessity, for the aim of establishing an exclusively Jewish nation-state in Palestine. When proposed, the targeted land was extensively populated and nurtured by an indigenous Arab people. Hence, the establishment of an exclusively Jewish national state— even a state of Jewish dominance—required, necessarily, the expulsion of the land’s native inhabitants. 

Theodore Herzl—in a typically colonial fashion—envisioned the genocidal regime that was to come as “representatives of Western civilization”, bringing “cleanliness, order, and well-established customs to this plague-ridden, blighted corner of the Orient” [1]. For Herzl, and the Zionist movement at large, these armies—which would carry out atrocities such as the massacre of Deir Yassin among many other villages—represented “a vanguard of culture against barbarism” [2]. Such sentiments lend insight into the ideological environment revealed by the leak—one nurturing the acceptance of rape and genocide against anyone deemed foreign.

Israel Zangwill took an equally devious approach, designating Palestine—a land then inhabited by over 700,000 Arab natives—to be “a country without a people”. Interestingly, this specific phrasing was first used by Christian Restorationists, who believed that Jewish dominance and control of the Holy Land was in accordance with biblical prophecy. The non-existence of the Arab natives was not based on the misconception that the land was truly vacant, but rather, that its residents were lesser beings, so incomplete in their ethnic and cultural makeup that they were not entirely human, if at all. The natives’ presence was hence irrelevant—an inconsequential obstacle in the path of European expansionism and colonization. Palestine, in Zangwill’s words, “was not so much occupied by the Arabs as overrun by them”. While still nauseating and obscene, the prospect of a once oppressed people forgiving “instances of rape” and wiping out entire populations becomes slightly more sanitized, when one strips the victims of their humanity. This dehumanization is precisely what the leaked documents exemplify.

The ensuing brutality would alter the course of Palestinian history irreparably. The vast majority of the indigenous, Palestinian populations were exiled, replaced by a regime defined by hatred, pre-eminence, and self-supremacy. In 1969, Moshe Dayan, Israel’s former Defense Minister and one of Ben Gurion’s generals, described the genocide:

“we came to this country which was already populated by Arabs, and we are establishing…a Jewish state…You do not even know the names of these Arab villages…because the geography books no longer exist; not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either…There is not one place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population”. 

The abhorrent treatment of the Palestinians by the foreign-backed, invading Zionist forces—currently identifying themselves as, the state of Israel—was, in the views of countless Palestinians, as well as Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, and even Aharon Zisling himself, something mirroring the demonic horrors of National Socialism which had gripped Germany only a few years prior. 

Unsurprisingly, the perpetrators would attempt to conceal their crimes, however this crucial information—albeit hidden and downplayed—has long been available to the public. Hence, any shock evoked by Ben-Gurion and Aharon Zislings’ quotes, is unjustified. Rather, the exposed documents should only serve to further substantiate and bolster the already well-established history and pre-existing Palestinian narrative on Israel’s ongoing reign of terror, and particularly, its violent settler-colonial birth through the Nakba—an atrocity which continues to this very day.


  1. Herzl, Theodor, Raphael Patai, and Harry Zohn. The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl. New York: Herzl Press, 1960. Print.
  2. Segev, Tom. (1999). One Palestine Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate. New York: Metropolitan Books.
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The lying and cover ups started early. In particular, re Ben-Gurion, whose photo can be seen in the background: from Patrick Tyler’s “Fortress Israel – The Inside Story of the Military Elite Who Run The Country – And Why They Can’t Make Peace”, page 47, emphasis mine:

The Qibya raid created an atmosphere of deception and duplicity in the upper ranks of the military. Hundreds of Israelis, because they participated in the raid, lived near the border, or knew someone who did, understood that Ben-Gurion was lying when he said on national radio that the army had not been involved in the massacre of civilians. In a small society, such news spread rapidly and invested much of the population in perpetuating a blatant falsehood in the name of security, a trait that would become ingrained in sabra culture.

Also directly relevant to this article, from Jewish Currents:


A Logic of Elimination…Historian Lorenzo Veracini discusses settler colonialism, Zionism, and decolonial futures…. Settler colonialism is a mode of domination characterized by [what Patrick Wolfe has termed] “a logic of elimination.” Settler colonial regimes seek to extinguish Indigenous collectives in a given territory, or at least to extinguish their political autonomy. The methods vary greatly, and they overlap and interact: ethnic cleansing, incarceration, assimilation, forced exile, etc….

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Briefly, for the record:
Revisionist Zionists, precursors of today’s Likud, were led by Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the fascistic Betar movement or Brown Shirts: ‘We Jews, thank God, have nothing to do with the East….The Islamic soul must be broomed out of Eretz-Yisrael.’ (Ya’acov Shavit, “The Attitude of Zionist Revisionism towards the Arabs.” (Zionism & the Arab Question” p. 74; quoted by Nur Masalha, “Expulsion of the Palestinians,” p. 29.)

To Jabotinsky, Palestinians were ‘yelling rabble dressed up in gaudy, savage rags’ (Joseph Schechtman, Rebel & Statesman: The Vladimir Jobotinksy Story, the Early Years, New York:
(T. Yoseloff, 1956, p. 54) & in his view the colonization of Palestine by European Jews would ‘push the moral frontiers of Europe to the Euphrates.’ (Shlomo Avineri, The Making of Modern Zionism, p. 180; cited by Michael Palumbo, The Palestinian Catastrophe, faber & faber, London. Boston, 1987, p. 13).

Israel’s prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir: ‘[The Palestinians] would be crushed like grasshoppers…heads smashed against the boulders and walls.’ (N.Y. Times, April 1,1988).

Rafael Eitan, Israeli Chief of Staff: ‘When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.’ (N.Y. Times, 14 April, 1988).

Rabbi Perin, in his eulogy for for mass murderer Baruch Goldstein: ” One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” (NYT, Feb. 28, 1994)

Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, the spiritual leader of the Shas party & former Israeli Chief Rabbi described the Arabs as serpents & in his Passover sermon: ‘The Lord shall waste their [the Arabs] seed, devastate them & vanish them from this world. It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them & annihilate them. They are evil & damnable.’
‘Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat. ‘Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created,” he added. https://crownheights.info/jewish-news/29404/rabbi-ovadia-yosef-gentiles-exist-only-to-serve-jews/ (cont’d)

It has been a genocide. The massacre of civilians in Gaza, and the killing of civilians at check points, protesting their suffering, by snipers or precision bombs, thousands are being killed systematically and just like the word “apartheid” is not used to call things how they are, “genocide” is also a word that is not used, and avoided like the plague, by the media, and leaders.

Essential Meaning of genocide
: the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group

The description fits perfectly.

Not only ethnic cleansing (recognized today as genocide), but deception (hasbara), has been fundamental to Zionism since the First Zionist Congress (1897). In Righteous Victims (Edit: page 22), Benny Morris quoted Herzl’s diary from 1895, “We must expropriate gently.. . . We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country…. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out dis­creetly and circumspectly.” Of course, Morris sees no problem with such deception, believing it “necessary” to establishing an Ashkenazi state on someone else’s land.

Perhaps Jews should begin recognizing Zionism as not being “Jewish” at all but a manifestation of racist, European settler colonialism, as evident from the European Jewish treatment of Mizrahim and particularly black Jews from lands further south. Zionism was originally conceived by the British in the mid-1800s as a way to establish a “buffer state” loyal to Britain, to counter the ambitions of France and the existing Ottoman Empire.