
Watch: Inside Israeli Apartheid

Learn what Apartheid means and how it applies to Israel’s control over Palestinian lives whether located inside Israel, the occupied Palestinian territory, or the Palestinian diaspora.

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For decades Palestinians have accused Israel of the crime of Apartheid, imposing two different systems on the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea: one system that privileges Jews, and another that discriminates against Palestinians.

Now, the rest of the world is catching up. In the past year, the leading global and Israeli human rights groups have joined their Palestinian counterparts in calling Israel an Apartheid state.

In this 22-minute video, Palestinian human rights experts break down what Apartheid means, and how it applies to Israel’s control over Palestinians, while ordinary Palestinian citizens of Israel, residents of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and refugees in the diaspora take us inside their homes and towns, and tell us what it’s like being a Palestinian living under Israeli rule.

This is a look Inside Israeli Apartheid.

منذ عقود من الزمان ظل الفلسطينيون يتهمون إسرائيل بجريمة الفصل العنصري، بفرض نظامين مختلفين على الأرض الواقعة بين نهر الأردن والبحر الأبيض المتوسط: نظام يفضل اليهود، ونظام يميز ضد الفلسطينيين. 

الآن، ينضم بقية العالم إلى الحملة. في العام الماضي، انضمت مجموعات حقوق الإنسان العالمية والإسرائيلية الرائدة إلى نظيراتها الفلسطينية في تسمية إسرائيل دولة الفصل العنصري.

في هذا الفيديو الذي يستغرق 22 دقيقة، يقوم خبراء حقوق الإنسان الفلسطينيون بتحليل ما يعنيه الفصل العنصري، وكيف ينطبق على سيطرة إسرائيل على الفلسطينيين، في حين أن المواطنين الفلسطينيين العاديين في إسرائيل، وسكان الضفة الغربية، والقدس الشرقية، واللاجئين في الشتات يأخذوننا داخل منازلهم وبلداتهم يخبروننا كيف يبدو الأمر كونك فلسطينيًا يعيش تحت الحكم الإسرائيلي.

 هذه نظرة داخل الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي.

Pendant des décennies, les Palestiniens ont accusé Israël du crime d’apartheid, imposant deux systèmes différents sur la terre entre le Jourdain et la mer Méditerranée : un système qui privilégie les Juifs et un autre qui discrimine les Palestiniens.

Maintenant, le reste du monde rattrape son retard. Au cours de l’année écoulée, les principaux groupes mondiaux et israéliens de défense des droits de l’homme se sont joints à leurs homologues palestiniens pour qualifier Israël d’État d’apartheid.

Dans cette vidéo de 22 minutes, des experts palestiniens des droits de l’homme expliquent ce que signifie l’apartheid et comment il s’applique au contrôle d’Israël sur les Palestiniens, tandis que des citoyens palestiniens ordinaires d’Israël, des résidents de Cisjordanie, de Jérusalem-Est et des réfugiés de la diaspora nous emmènent à l’intérieur de leurs maisons et de leurs villes, et dites-nous ce que c’est que d’être un Palestinien vivant sous la domination israélienne.

Ceci est un aperçu de l’intérieur de l’apartheid israélien.

Durante décadas, los palestinos han acusado a Israel del crimen del apartheid, imponiendo dos sistemas diferentes en la tierra entre el río Jordán y el mar Mediterráneo: un sistema que privilegia a los judíos y otro que discrimina a los palestinos.

Ahora, el resto del mundo se está poniendo al día. El año pasado, los principales grupos de derechos humanos mundiales e israelíes se unieron a sus homólogos palestinos para llamar a Israel un estado de apartheid.

En este video de 22 minutos, expertos palestinos en derechos humanos analizan lo que significa el Apartheid y cómo se aplica al control de Israel sobre los palestinos, mientras que los ciudadanos palestinos comunes de Israel, los residentes de Cisjordania, Jerusalén Este y los refugiados en la diáspora nos llevan dentro de sus casas y pueblos, y cuéntenos cómo es ser un palestino que vive bajo el dominio israelí.

Esta es una mirada al interior del apartheid israelí.

Length: 22 minutes
Produced by Yumna Patel
Filming, Editing, and Motion Graphics by Palestine Productions
Illustrations by Dahlia Attoui
Subtitle translations by:
– French: Laura Schiavetta
– Spanish, Arabic: Palestine Productions

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A very fine and cogent presentation of the Apartheid reality – thanks to Yumna Patel and all that helped the production..

From an article by CJ. Werleman

“The battle for legitimacy

When Israel says it has a “right to defend itself,” the correct response is to ask from what or whom? 
Not a single Israeli citizen or soldier has been harmed or killed by Palestinians since the protests began. In short, Israel is shooting and killing human beings who pose absolutely zero threat to either the state of Israel or its citizens.

Moreover, never once have you ever heard an American journalist ask an Israeli war crimes apologist, “Well, don’t Palestinians have a right do defend themselves, too?”
It’s such a self-evidently obvious and simple question, but no one dare asks it. I mean, why not? 

When Palestinians support non-violent forms of resistance, such as the boycott Israel movement, they’re smeared by Israel as “anti-Semites.” When they protest against their injustices angrily, they’re smeared as violent Arabs, and when they resort to violence, out of sheer desperation, they’re labeled “radical Islamic terrorists.”

So, I’ll ask again. Do Palestinians have a right to defend themselves?

The answer to that question is a resounding yes.

In fact, international law is unambiguous in its endorsement of “armed struggle” for peoples who seek self-determination under “colonial and foreign domination.

United Nations resolution 37/43, dated 3 December 1982, “reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”

Great work!

One more vicious terrorist attack, this time in the Haredi town of Elad. The terrorists attacked innocent civilians with hatchets , killing 3 and injuring several more.
The murdered :
Yonatan Havakuk,44, from Elad, father of 5
Boaz Gol, 49, from Elad, father of 5
Oren Ben Yiftah, 35, from Lod, father of 6

The perpetrators have yet to be killed or apprehended.