

An Israeli army jeep crisscrosses the Jordan Valley, on daily patrol in the area. (Photo: Antony Loewenstein)

With the topic of this year’s Israeli election focused heavily on annexation, the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli control — are hanging in the balance. Mondoweiss spoke to three Palestinians living in areas of the West Bank– in close proximity to settlements, Area C, and the Jordan Valley — that would likely be the first ones affected if Netanyahu sees his plans through.

Trump fired John Bolton as national security adviser today, signalling his independence of donor Sheldon Adelson. Trump at last has the upper hand in his relationship with Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson because Netanyahu desperately needs Trump to deliver on OK’ing Israel’s annexation of Jewish settlements, a huge Zionist victory that Netanyahu promised voters today in a desperate bid for reelection. Trump will deliver, but at the price of Iran policy.

Pete Buttigieg, on keyboards. From his Facebook page, June 11.

Israel’s threat of annexation is a crisis for liberal Zionists because it makes them confront a reality: There is not going to be a two-state solution. Yesterday Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street warned supporters: “Members of the Trump administration are opening the door to a one-state scenario where Palestinians will live as second-class citizens.” But that scenario exists right now, and liberal Zionists have done precious little to oppose it.