

Omari Hardy addressing the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce in July 2021. (Photo: Facebook)

Omari Hardy, a 31-year-old state representative and former middle school teacher, has been unapologetic in his support for BDS and Palestinian human rights as he attempts to win the Democratic nomination to represent Florida’s 20th district in congress. The race will be yet another fight between the Democratic Party establishment and the progressive base over Palestinian rights.

There’s a lot of news this week. The new Israeli government is pushing forward on settlement expansion despite surprisingly strong lip service against it from the Biden administration. And the unapologetic support for BDS from Omari Hardy, a progressive candidate for Congress in Florida, has caused a Jewish newspaper to smear him as a reincarnation of Hitler– and the Democratic Majority for Israel has leaped in to smear Hardy as an antisemite.

The group Palestine Legal has filed a civil rights complaint against Florida State University for allegedly tolerating and intensifying an anti-Palestinian environment on campus. It’s believed to be the first ever anti-Palestinian discrimination complaint on a college campus. “It’s time to speak out about racism against Palestinians as the status quo,” said Michael Ratner Justice Fellow Amira Mattar in a statement.