Let Me Be Your Soccer Disinformation Station: What Materazzi Said to Zidane!

I’ve gotten many interesting claims on what Materazzi said to make Zidane headbutt him. Here are three, the first operatic, the second the most logical, the third perhaps most psychologically plausible.:

1. From Elmer Fudd:
Text being spread thru the net:
Zidane : Ordinanza di tirare il costume!! / Stop pulling my shirt!
>Materazzi : Taciti, enculo, hai solamente cio che merite… / Shut up butt ficked one, you are only getting what you deserve…
>Zidane : Si e cio… / Yeah, that’s it….
>Zidane walks away but the italian player continues
>Materazzi : Meritate tutti ciò, voi gli enculato di musulmani, sporchi
>terroristici / You all desrve it, you butt fucked Muslims are all dirty terroristes

That is when Zidane returns and head butts hum.

2. From Mike:


“I Hope Jean suffered”
To put it in context:
Jean Varraud is Zidane’s first trainer and Zidane considers him as his second father.
He died just before World Cup started from a long cancer battle.

3. Joey:
A Brasilian TV program used labial reading to discover what he said.
Aparently he call zidane’s sister bitch 2 times…

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