
Israel Is ‘Megalomaniacal’ and Has Lost a Sense of Proportion About Itself– Says Mearsheimer, Sorry I Meant Olmert

Amazing that Time Magazine has been able to preserve a little of its tradition of non-Zionism into the Era of Goosestepping Journalism re Israel. Here is Time's Scott McLeod quoting a passage from the Olmert tapes that I hadn't registered:

"Forty years after the Six-Day War ended, we keep finding excuses not
to act," Olmert says. "We refuse to face reality … The strategic
threats we face have nothing to do with where we draw our borders …
For a large portion of these years, I was unwilling to look at the
reality in all its depth." Saying Israel would not attack Iran
unilaterally to stop Tehran's nuclear program, Olmert scoffs, "Part of
our megalomania and our loss of proportions is the things that are said
here about Iran. We are a country that has lost a sense of proportion
about itself."

McLeod ends by saying that American negotiators must also end their "fantasies" re Israel, hint hint, but what he doesn't say, and knows to be true, and that Tony Judt and Walt and Mearsheimer tried to give journalists the spine to say, is that: Who gave Israel this megalomania? Who gave them the keys to the car when they were drunk and 15? Malcolm Hoenlein. Alan Dershowitz. Abe Foxman. Barney Frank. Doug Feith. Tom Friedman. Bruce Kovner. My mommy. 

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