
‘Forward’ has great report on Yemen’s Jews

Excellent report in the Forward by Anthony Weiss showing that Yemen's 300 Jews, whose transfer to Israel from the Arab nation has become a cause celebre among western Jewish/Zionist groups in the wake of the murder of one of the Yemeni Jews, aren't all that crazy to leave, weren't wild for Israel, and have the protection of an important sheikh. Used to be 60,000 Jews in Yemen before the post-Israel cleansing:

The concerns about publicity that Jewish organizations have expressed
do appear to be justified in one particular area, namely that the
Yemeni government was reportedly embarrassed by publicity suggesting
that life was not safe for Jews in Yemen, who needed to be evacuated.

That's the point: we will never get rid of minorities; we must struggle to develop international standards of human rights. That is the great bonus of insisting on Palestinian human rights; it's the march of democracy…

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