
‘Jerusalem Post’ says Jews are crazy if they think this is the 1930s

A stunner in the Jerusalem Post, of all places, by the great Larry Derfner, denouncing the Gaza assault and saying that Israel's actions are "responsible" for the surge in the level of the global "reservoirs" of antisemitism. Has a lot to say about my favorite subject, Jewish power, not all of it in this excerpt:

 I think there's a way of at least bringing that level down, a way that might work as well if not better than stepping up the hasbara: Let's stop fighting immoral wars. Let's stop laying siege to a tiny, destitute country. (That might stop Gazans from firing rockets at us, too.) Let's stop holding 10,000 Palestinian prisoners. (That might also help us get Gilad Schalit back.)

And finally, let's stop electing fascists to the Knesset. And if this is too much to ask of ourselves, let's at least have the decency not to bring them into the government. And if even that's beyond us, if we're going to have fascists as cabinet ministers, if we go so far as to have one for finance minister or foreign minister, then let's not complain about the next surge in global anti-Semitism, because we will have provoked that one, too.

This is not the 1930s. We, the nation of Israel, are far from being powerless, and we are far from being innocent.

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