
the battlefield of public opinion is a psychological minefield

oh god, i’m going thru this psychological minefield.

just an amazing amount of bullshit pushback in my blogging reality. i seem to fluxuate between periods of self doubt with respect to the ‘tone’ of my blogging (basically just being me which apparently really drives some people nuts in not a good way) or feeling fine about it. i’m not ‘sensitive’ enough to others (jewish) suffering. i know i should just blow it off and not worry about it or completely quit, but i consider it a battlefield of public opinion and i simply can’t let them own the narrative. it is so emotionally exhausting sometimes i just have to turn off my computer. i have to work on my ‘niceness’. after getting heavily penalized for making a snarky comment alleging i could totally relate to what it feels like to want to return to my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother’s back yard (i just counted them, 72, like the virgins, double the amount of greats for historical accuracy) it finally occurred to me (but only yesterday after someone relinked to this great offense thing i said last month that i had actually forgotten saying it but i was ‘reminded’ about how rude i was) why is it that I, as a non religious basically non ethnic person (whatever ‘white’ represents) am supposed to show deference and respect to religious people as a matter of course yet nobody has to honor my atheism ( a general ‘the force be with you’ belief energy making it happen if i really wish upon a star type atheism, sometimes if i’m in the mood). religious people are victim of ritual brainwashing procedures week in and week out. why is my belief not respected? why do i get penalized for being in the reality based community?

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