
Zionist org says that all people care about their children except one group

Do American Jews have any idea what Zionist organizations say routinely? Here Susan Tuchman and Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America respond to an interview of University of California President Mark Yudof:

“We do, however, respectfully take issue with two points that President Yudof made in his interview.  First, President Yudof said that it’s his belief that all people are ‘protective toward their children.’  If only it were true.  What unfortunately is true is that the parents of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers celebrate when their children die as terrorists in the act of murdering innocent Jews.  They hand out candy and brag about their children’s ‘achievements.’  Some even express the wish that their other children could also die as ‘martyrs.’  Sadly, this shocking difference in values from ours in America and the West has encouraged violence and stood in the way of peace…."

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