
The new Jewish upside-down world: intellectual who calls for equal rights is likened to KKK

Last month we picked up the news that Jewish groups in New Mexico are trying to stop Ali Abunimah’s talk at the University of N.M. next week. Well Abunimah’s blog contains the disgusting news that a local Jewish leader has likened him to the KKK in an interview with the Albuquerque Journal:

Sam Sokolove, executive director of the Jewish Federation who signed the letter, said Abunimah represents a hate movement that is not interested in dialogue. He compared a Jewish conversation with Abunimah to a debate between the NAACP and the Ku Klux Klan.

For shame. Also this from the Journal:

Abunimah, in an interview with the Journal, said the opposition isn’t a surprise. The letter-writing campaign is an attempt to stop the conversation before it occurs because the debate is one critics don’t win, he said.
“I’m against apartheid in Israel. I’m against discrimination. I’m for equal rights for everyone, I say that every time I speak. … I believe Israeli Jews and Palestinians have a right to live in peace, tranquility and equality, just like Americans do,” he said. “But that’s a very threatening message for people who believe there should be a system where one group of people has more rights than another. I’m assuming that’s why they don’t want me to be there and speak.”


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