
Israeli rap warns vulnerable Jewish women about seductive, dangerous Arab men

You don’t really need a translation, but David Sheen fills us in:

Well at least this isn’t viral. Just 1800 hits so far. Thanks to Max Blumenthal.

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Of course. Fascists often worry about “racial defilement.”

Why should the israeli fascists be any different?

No Woody.

The fascists are the ones who want to muzzle free speech. Fascists like you and Phil.

I met David Sheen, who publicized this latest racist item, in Max Blumenthal’s Goliath. David Sheen is a moral giant.

You are imprisoned in a village little sister
because he tricked you, now you live in a mosque
He promised you the life of a real princess
but now he beats you because you wanted
to be different
to marry an Arab
and not listen to your parents, your girlfriends and your brothers
“I’m the smartest”, you were so sure of yourself
he bought you clothes
took you out to eat every day
he bought you jewelry – the prince of your dreams
He just wants a Jewish woman to be his slave
to let his family and friends taste you
they hurt you. no heart. for them you are just a dirty rag.
you want to escape, you are closed off in a cage
He said his name was Chayim, he played the Jew
He made you feel good
He wrote you lovely poems
In his heart he hatched a scheme, little sister
Look at you now, you have lost hope
You are lost in bottomless misery
despairing, frustrated “how did I get so lost?”
50,000 Jewish women in “the villages”
What will be, O Israel, we have abandoned the girls.
So, another year went by and you are still in the village
drowning in your blood in the jail of that village
heart full of yearning for the beautiful world
you are wilting, falling apart, you can’t stand yourself
“what was I thinking?” you cannot forgive yourself

“What am I now? an Arab woman, an idiot”
…(she finds God and becomes observant of Jewish practice. God can and will save you etc.)
Chorus: you are the daughter of the King and He is all powerful. Give Him your all.

So, it is really strange that Phil, David, and Max are referring to this as Israeli hip hop. Yes, this is a racist video by a racist organization in Israel. But no, this is not representative of a stream of Israeli popular culture. (The racist sentiments might be representative of the Kahana-ist mindset, but those folks are not hip hoppers!)
Impugning Israel’s hip hopers like this makes as much sense as me using a radio jingle for getting rid of bed bugs and using that to make an assertion about an American musical subculture.
The Palestinian-Israeli group D.A.M. is much more representative of Israeli hip hop than this video, artist unknown.
Sometimes it feels like in the pursuit of a catchy headline or finger jab, all kinds of tricks are used that make an informed ready feel cheated.