Media Analysis

One Week Left In Mondoweiss Reader Survey: Please Participate

Congratulations to Brian A. Kates, Patty Croft, Claire Bierhorst and Mary Day Kent, as well as five other Mondoweiss readers who prefer not to have their names shared. All these fine people were selected at random from among readers who completed our survey, and will receive free copies of “The World The Settlers Made” as our thanks for their input into Mondoweiss’s future.

The survey will be open for one more week–through next Friday, May 6. We’ve received hundreds of completed surveys. Please add your feedback so we can understand even more about those we seek to inform. Even if you are only an occasional reader of Mondoweiss, we’d appreciate your help as your responses can be quite informative.

Here are a few examples of the input submitted so far:

“Would Mondoweiss be interested in podcasting interviews of Palestinians, Israelis and activists? I would be very interested in such interviews.”

“As a Christian activist I frequently introduce other Christians to Mondoweiss and encourage them to seek out and put to use points of view from the American Jewish community.”

“Rather than a change its more a wish and hope that Mondoweiss will be more ‘visible and ‘out there’ like other news outlets and journals.”

What to expect as you prepare to click on the survey link: Our estimate of 15-30 minutes to complete the survey has been accurate for most respondents (many got it done in even less time), but if you have a lot to say you may want to set aside more time. We understand that those of you who share your views are doing us a significant favor, and we do not take for granted your time and energy!

We also want to make sure you know that we are asking about several topics: not only the site’s content, but the ease and value of sharing it, and the channels we use to finance the work. Your opinions on all of these matters will guide our choices as we seek to increase Mondoweiss’s impact in truth-telling.

If you’ve already taken the survey — or this month is just too busy for you — please feel free to share the link with others you know who use Mondoweiss to any extent at all. We will benefit from the suggestions not only of our regular readers but also of people for whom Mondoweiss is just one of many information sources.

Finally, a reminder: respondents who provide contact information on the survey’s last page will be entered into a special drawing next Friday. You can be like the readers named above, and receive a free copy of Mondoweiss’s new publication!

The survey will be running until Friday, May 6. Please help Mondoweiss by filling it out today!