
Zionism threatens to bring anti-semitism full-circle

Zionism is very much a mirror image of anti-Semitism. It was founded and based on an assumption that assimilation is bound to fail, and that the Jews must resort to other measures in order to protect their existence – as persons, but perhaps even more significantly – as a supposed nation. David Ben-Gurion’s words to the Mapai committee in 1938 reveal how the national aspect could supersede the humanitarian concern to actual people: ”If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.” In that same year he spoke to the Jewish Agency in regards to the Évian conference which sought to facilitate the plight of Jewish refugees, saying, “[I do] not know if the conference will open the gates of other countries. . . . But I am afraid [ it ] might cause tremendous harm to Eretz Yisrael and Zionism. . . . and the more we emphasize the terrible distress of the Jewish masses in Germany, Poland and Rumania, the more damage we shall cause” — to Zionism and Eretz Israel by promoting emigration to western countries. [Both quotes at this link].

That is to say, that the priority of nationalism (as opposed to personal security) was extremely high in Zionism from the outset. Zionism sought to forge a sense of ‘nationhood’ for a people that were of a vast spectrum of ethnicity, language, even religion (from ultra-orthodox to atheist) and claim that they were one. The British (and notably Jewish) Secretary of State for India Edwin Montagu, in his critique of His Majesty’s Government’s intentions to endorse a ‘Jewish national home” in Palestine in 1917, said: “I assert that there is not a Jewish nation. The members of my family, for instance, who have been in this country for generations, have no sort or kind of community of view or of desire with any Jewish family in any other country beyond the fact that they profess to a greater or less degree the same religion. It is no more true to say that a Jewish Englishman and a Jewish Moor are of the same nation than it is to say that a Christian Englishman and a Christian Frenchman are of the same nation: of the same race, perhaps, traced back through the centuries – through centuries of the history of a peculiarly adaptable race”.

Jonathan Cook in his recent article relates how “Hannah Arendt, the German Jewish scholar of totalitarianism, argued even in 1944 – long after the Nazis abandoned ideas of emigration and embraced genocide instead – that the ideology underpinning Zionism was ‘nothing else than the uncritical acceptance of German-inspired nationalism’.” He also notes that “even today the Zionist movement cannot help but mirror many of the flaws of those now-discredited European ethnic nationalisms….Such characteristics – all too apparent in Israel – include: an exclusionary definition of peoplehood; a need to foment fear and hatred of the other as a way to keep the nation tightly bound; an obsession with and hunger for territory; and a highly militarised culture”.

So Zionism seems to be based on the idea of maintaining and supporting a “nation”, a “people” – but those “people” are by large not even there, in the ‘homeland’. The ‘nation’, that is, ‘the Jewish nation’, is a construct that supersedes the nationality of the people actually residing in the country. As I have earlier written, Israelis do not actually exist as ‘nationals’ – only as citizens. As the state is by definition the Jewish State, the ‘nationals’ who by default are closest to being ‘Israeli’ are the Jews – wherever they may be. This aspect is also embodied in the ‘Law of Return’ (1950) which allows any Jew to become automatic citizen in Israel. As even the Jewish Virtual Library notes, “at present, the definition is based on Hitler’s Nuremberg Laws: the right of Return is granted to any individual with one Jewish grandparent, or who is married to someone with one Jewish grandparent. As a result, thousands of people with no meaningful connection to the Jewish people theoretically have the right to immigrate.” (My emphasis.)

The Jewish State is thus acting, still today, as if the Nuremberg Laws and their like are a real-time threat and the threat of a second Holocaust is looming. It relies upon this perception to maximise its appeal to Jews with the ever-present suggestion of existential threat. This is why any incident where Jews are targeted around the world can quickly become a claim by Israeli leaders, to prove the Zionist point – that Israel is their ultimate home, suggesting that their safety cannot be guaranteed elsewhere. As PM Netanyahu said last year in Paris:

“The State of Israel is not just the place to which you turn in prayer. The State of Israel is also your home. This week, a special team of ministers will convene to advance steps to increase immigration from France and other countries in Europe that are suffering from terrible anti-Semitism. All Jews who want to immigrate to Israel will be welcomed here warmly and with open arms. We will help you in your absorption here in our country, which is also your country.”

But the “defense” of this “home”, this “national home”– which has required ethnic cleansing, Apartheid and military oppression for its maintenance since day 1– has meant that the more Zionism became representational for Jews all over the world, the more Jews would naturally be associated with the crimes perpetrated on their behalf, as it were. Zionism and Israel have tried to conceal these crimes by a well-funded, constant and relentless propaganda over the years, to depict these acts as mere ‘necessary responses’ to an unfortunate reality. Yet the reality is unmistakably that of colonialism (see my lecture on the subject here), which involved the predictable crimes that go with it. As Israeli historian Benny Morris summarizes:

“Transfer was inevitable and inbuilt into Zionism—because it sought to transform a land which was ‘Arab’ into a ‘Jewish’ state and a Jewish state could not have arisen without a major displacement of Arab population.” (The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited).

This ‘displacement’, this ‘transfer’, or whatever other terms one wishes to apply to describe what we generally know today to be ethnic cleansing, the Apartheid, the seasonal massacres and sieges even fulfilling the definition of genocide, are acts that continue today. The astounding success of Zionism must be said to have been the ability to paint these crimes as something else. But this cannot continue forever. Not only is access to real-time news now more instant than ever – people’s access to critical evaluations of the situation is also more instant, and bypasses the archaic means by which the powers that be exerted censorship of information and ideas in past decades.

As the reality of Zionism on the ground is becoming harder to hide, as Israel presses on with its subjugation of Palestinians and enters ever more horrid cycles of state-terror, as Israel continuously intensifies its claim to act on behalf of all Jews, the obvious danger is that Zionism, the supposed answer to anti-Semitism, will become the major propellant of such feelings towards Jews – all over the world.

For Zionists, this danger is not necessarily something that would bother them that much. After all, whenever there is a case of anti-Semitism, real or imagined, that raises the validity of the Zionist raison d’etre. Jews around the world (who number more than Jews in Israel), should not be so sure to rely upon the motivations of the Jewish State and blindly regard it as their ‘insurance policy’. Not only is Israel the most dangerous country in the world for Jews, it is also one of the most dangerous countries in the world in general. To rely on such an ‘insurance policy’ might not be the best investment – especially not when it is a major cause not only of regional unrest, but also of hatred towards Jews around the world. Yes, I know, I’ve stepped on another eggshell – how can I trivialise the monster of anti-Semitism by playing into the anti-Semitic canard that Jews are to blame for others hating them? My answer is, that we simply need to withdraw from the absolutism of considering criticism, indeed even harsh criticism, of what the Jews in their collective representation under the Jewish State of Israel do, as necessarily unreasonable, endemically hateful and having nothing to do with their actual acts. In other words, critique doesn’t have to be anti-Semitic just because it is the goyim levelling it at Jews – even when it is heavy.

I don’t like to generalise people. I don’t like to be considered with generalisation. But the ‘Jewish State’ has generalised me for its nationalist ends in such ways, that I just cannot chide others for harbouring hostility towards me as a Jew. That I should require them to make the distinction between “Jew” and “Zionist” whilst Israel conflates the two, seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical. Nonetheless I have many friends, non-Jews and notably many Palestinian, who do make this distinction and place great value on doing so. I feel honoured to know these people, and cherish their tolerance greatly. Yet the Jewish State threatens, increasingly, to erode these distinctions. If all Jews must be identified by an inevitable connection to Israel, as the state seeks, then it may be that Israel will become their greatest peril.

Misunderstand me not – I have connection to Israel. I am an Israeli citizen, and I have family there who I love dearly. But my connection to them as persons has no bearing on my feeling about Israel as a Jew or as an Israeli. My critique of its construct as an ethnic-religious exclusivist one is fierce. My advocacy for the relinquishing of our Jewish privilege is clear. I have to separate the two – the macro political paradigm and the persons – knowing that in the long run, a faulty macro paradigm will come to mean peril to all its subjects.

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2 important points in this article

1) Since Israel is a major cause of hatred towards Jews around the world, they should be wary of considering it to be their ‘insurance policy’ (ie safe haven) when the going gets tough.

2) If all Jews become identified by an inevitable connection to Israel then Israel becomes their greatest peril.”

Specifically, said peril is that of Israel tightly packed with 16 million Jews, most of whom will have fled there consequent to Israel’s having incited virulent worldwide antisemitism with its Palestinian genocide, a crime against humanity that Israel will say was done in the name of all Jews. Won’t matter whether this claim is true or not, since Jews who opposed Israel’s crimes as well as those who supported them will be forced – so intense will be the hatred – to run for their lives.

But in a world bent on revenge, how safe will the so-called safe haven be?

Okay, suppose Israelis truly believed that another Holocaust was just around the corner. How does Israel protect Jews? It moved half of the population of the world’s Jews into a small state the size of New Jersey that could be exterminated by one clandestine H-bomb.

How does Israel protect Jews when there are stings of black-ops Napoleons intent on territorial expansion and oblivious to the enemies they make. Victoria Nuland, a person who thought she was pro-Israel, was not satisfied to harass Arabs, she chose to engineer a coup in the Ukraine threatening Russia’s food supply despite Russia’s enormous arsenal of atomic bombs. While it’s true that Nuland is American, the real question is whether Putin would see her as a Zionist, an American, or a person promoting Israel.

Nuland wouldn’t have gotten as far as she did if Netanyahu phoned her saying, “Hey toots, don’t enrage the bear. I’ve got eight million lives to protect.” But I suppose what’s the point of a safe haven if the really important folks can’t gamble with the lives of people who live there.

If leaders on the level of Netanyahu and Nuland really feared a Holocaust, they wouldn’t be leading Jews into Israel or provoking Russia. They may talk about safe havens, but what makes them move is territorial expansion.


excuse me to repeat myself. Please have a look at what Rabbi Felix Goldmann – a prominent liberal German Rabbi and figher against anti-semitism wrote about Zionism – in 1913. I’m almost sure you may find some of his insights as revealing as I do. I translated these his sentences here on Mondo Weiss into English a couple of years ago. They guide me still today:

If the “racial” moment has acquired a meaning in which nothing counts of everything else, merits, virtues, striving and disposition, if the Jew is outlawed, if you want to depress him into a pariah position, so it is a success, the national belief, the chauvinistic racial madness of our times, has won in diligent work.

And this chauvinist, national racist madness is the theoretical basis, the spiritual soil of Zionism! That’s where it borrowed the specific features of it’s being and it’s effectiveness! Even the utterance of this undeniable and undisputed fact contains the most damning criticism of this pseudo messianic movement. With all clarity the consequences must be imagined of what it must mean for the nature and manifestations of Zionism that it grew up on the same marsh soil as the racial anti-Semitism, this scourge, which we Jews are suffering under so horrible. And it’s always the same water, may it now be called Aryan anti-Semitic, or may it now be colored Jewish-national that comes from the same poisoned wells, and no staining of the world can make it a healthy drink.

Those were the words of Rabbi Goldmann in 1913. He published them in a small booklet on Zionism under the pseudonym of Anti-Zionist Comitee Berlin, because he feared retribution from powerful zionists, who, as he says in this booklet, never fight an argument sincerely, but always attack the person making the case ad hominem.

Frankfurt on Main University has now put his booklet as scan online:


The information that Rabbi Felix Goldmann is the athor of that anonymous booklet is sourced by well-reputed German researcher Matthias Hambrock:


To me it looks pretty much as Rabbi Felix Goldmann has understood the nature of zionism and our current discussion more than a hundred years ago – and better than most of us do now.

Have a look!

RE: “Zionism is very much a mirror image of anti-Semitism. It was founded and based on an assumption that assimilation is bound to fail . . .” ~ Jonathan Ofir

SEE: “Zionism and the Ethnic Cleansing of Europe”, by Siddhartha Shome, Stanford University, 2014

[EXCERPTS] The Holocaust was by far the worst genocide in human history and has understandably attracted much scholarly interest. However, the Holocaust did not happen in isolation. As the term ‘final solution’ indicates, it was intended as the culmination of a broad effort to ethnically cleanse(1) Europe of its Jews – an effort that preceded the Holocaust and continued even after it ended. This paper argues that in a curious ideological relationship, Zionists(2) and their supporters embraced much of the ideological framework of European anti-Semitism, and, except for its most intense manifestation in the form of genocide, implicitly endorsed the effort to ethnically cleanse Jews from Europe and make Europe judenrein (free of Jews). . .

. . . Zionism arose in Europe within the milieu of völkisch and ethnic nationalism and in reaction to the racist anti-Semitism that accompanied it(6). Instead of directly challenging the core ideological assumptions and narratives of völkisch nationalism, mainstream Zionists(7) sought to find an accommodation that would carve out a secure niche for Jews within the overall framework of völkisch nationalism. In so doing, Zionists, whether out of genuine convictions or otherwise, seem to have accepted and even internalized some of the core values and assumptions of völkisch nationalism. Jews, claimed the Zionists, constituted a nation, or a ‘Volk,’ united by ties of blood, with its national homeland located in Eretz Israel (the land of Israel). The solution to the ‘Jewish problem,’ they declared, lay in transferring the diaspora Jewish population to their national homeland, the only place where Jews could establish the organic blood-and-soil links necessary for any nation to flourish. Theodor Herzl, considered by many to be the father of the Jewish state, believed that European anti-Semites and Zionists would cooperate with each other to advance their mutually complementary goals of cleansing Europe of its Jews and transferring the Jewish population to Eretz Israel. Partly quoting Herzl, one author describes Herzl’s reasoning,

[Herzl] predicted that the anti-Semites would be Zionism’s best supporters: “the Government of all countries scourged by anti-Semitism will be keenly interested in assisting us to obtain [the] sovereignty we want.” … Furthermore, “honest anti-Semites … will combine with our officials in controlling the transfer of our estates.” … He unapologetically affirmed: “The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.” (Massad 178)

In the early years of the Third Reich, Zionists were quite eager to cooperate with the Nazi regime, even though its anti-Semitic credentials were never in doubt. The most famous example of the Nazi-Zionist cooperation is the Haavara Agreement, which facilitated the transfer of German Jews to Palestine. There were many other avenues for cooperation as well. In Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt quotes Hans Lamm, a leading member of the German Jewish community, “it is indisputable that during the first stages of their Jewish policy the National socialists thought it proper to adopt a pro-Zionist attitude” (Arendt 58). Arendt then goes on to explain why this was so:

It was in those years a fact of everyday life that only Zionists had any chance of negotiating the German authorities, for the simple reason that their chief Jewish adversary, the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith, to which ninety-five percent of organized Jews in Germany then belonged, specified in its bylaws that its chief task was the “fight against anti-Semitism”; it had suddenly become by definition an organization “hostile to the State.” (Arendt 58)

What is unsaid, but implied in Arendt’s comments, is that the Zionists did not consider the “fight against anti-Semitism” their chief task, and perhaps, not their task at all.

According to the logic of Zionism, the root cause of Jewish suffering was not anti-Semitism per se, but the Jewish exile from their national homeland. In this view, anti-Semitism was no more than the inevitable consequence of the Jewish exile, which had severed the organic bond between the Jewish people and their homeland, and had eroded the Jews’ moral fiber, reducing them to a ‘parasitic’ existence, thereby arousing the ill-will and hatred of their ‘host nations.’ The Zionists thus accepted and endorsed the notion, advanced by völkisch anti-Semites, that Jews in Europe were alien parasites. The Zionists then called upon Jews to rectify this dire situation by ‘returning’ to their homeland, shedding their ‘parasitic’ disposition, and becoming self-reliant and valorous farmers and warriors. David Ben-Gurion describes the task at hand:

The very realization of Zionism is nothing else than carrying out this deep historical transformation occurring in the life of the Hebrew people. This transformation does not limit itself to the geographical aspect, to the movement of Jewish masses from the countries of the Diaspora to the renascent homeland – but in a socioeconomic transformation as well: it means taking masses of uprooted, impoverished, sterile Jews, living parasitically off an alien economic body and dependent on others – and introducing them to productive and creative life, implanting them on the land, integrating them into primary production in agriculture, in industry and handicraft… (Avineri, 200) . . .

ENTIRE PAPER (PDF) – http://www.academia.edu/16928242/Zionism_and_the_Ethnic_Cleansing_of_Europe

Well said, Jonathan.
What is your definition of antisemitism?