Media Analysis

Why we are asking for your help now–to keep the news flowing

You already know that last Friday in Palestine tens of thousands of dedicated Palestinians made their way to the border between Gaza and Israel, and that the Israeli armed forces used snipers to pick off individuals and intimidate nonviolent protesters. Mondoweiss reported from the Great March of Return, and will continue to provide photo, video and oral documentation of this historic statement of sumud—and the atrocities in response.

Coincidentally, we launched our Mondoweiss Mondays fundraising campaign on Friday as well. We did not intend to time our appeal around heartbreaking events in Palestine, and our goal is not to exploit the danger and tragedy taking place on the ground. At the same time, we recognize that times like this are precisely when many of our readers are reminded of the value they receive from our professional correspondents.

Three longtime Mondoweiss supporters have encouraged us to keep going with the request for readers to join Mondoweiss Mondays. They believe in the impact of Mondoweiss reporting, and want to provide extra inducement for you to provide regular financial support.

So for each of the first 25 people who commit to a new recurring donation this month at any level, they will donate $60. By signing up now to sustain truthful reporting from Palestine, you can spur these donors to give $1,500 more—to spread the facts from Gaza and wherever the news takes us next.

If we waited to appeal for support for a month—or a week, or even a day—with no systematic violence against Palestinians seeking safety and freedom in their homeland, we would never be able to ask for funds. But we truly believe that our work reporting on this systematic violence is a vital tool in fighting against it and building a better future. If you agree that truth-telling is mighty and necessary, please consider signing up for an every-other-week contribution of $2, $5 or $10.

In order to keep our work going, we must continue seeking reader support. At the same time, there are other important groups fighting for Palestinian human rights, and we encourage you to contribute to them as well.

Donate buttonMovements depend on passion, on people willing to put their bodies on the line, and on the resources to sustain both passion and people. Thanks for whatever you can do to keep the movement growing.

Yours in sorrow, fury and hope—

Tova Perlmutter
Mondoweiss Director, Development and Outreach

P.S. If giving every other week doesn’t fit for you, please consider contributing now anyway. Whether you want to give just once, or you want to sign up for $40/month–you can go to our main donation page and set up whatever works best for you.