


Shafiq Al-Hut, journalist, one of the founders of the PLO, and long-time director of the PLO office in Lebanon, died in Beirut on Sunday. He was 77.

Al-Hut’s death will most likely get cursory mention at best in the U.S. and international press (as of this writing, the New York Times and BBC websites still don’t have anything up on him). This is not surprising, and I will tell you why.

I had the privilege of meeting him on a study abroad trip during my junior year in university, to research the role of the Palestinians in inter-Arab politics. I’ll be honest – I don’t remember a lot of what was said in that smoke-filled room (the man loved his cigarettes and drink), but what I do remember is meeting one of the most eloquent, moving raconteurs of the humanity and plight of the Palestinians.