
Mortimer Zuckerman aligns himself (and Huffpo) with the rightwing settlers’ movement

The chief purpose of this website rightnow is to defenestrate the piece of propaganda that Mort Zuckerman published on the supine Huffington Post yesterday with the headline, "The Story You Aren't Hearing About Israel." Below are 5 critiques of the article, the first 4 by a prodigious digger who won't let me use his name because he wants to be a nightflower, and the fourth by Jack Ross. By the way, Mondoweiss is not a Jewish site; it plants its wide flat feet in many communities. But I'd like to note that both the digger and Ross are young Jews:

1. Zuckerman writes about two violent incidents in Israel and Palestine:

"No, of course, you didn't [read about them]. These are just two everyday incidents of
the ordeal confronted by people in Israel while the world and the
political leaders look away. Outrages like these do not make it into
the Western media, which exhibit the familiar phenomenon of monitoring
only the conflicts that are the flavor of the month."

actually went to see about this West Bank shooting no one in the US
heard about because Zuckerman said it didn't make it into the  Western
media. It was covered by Reuters, AP, LAT, Washington Post,  Boston
Globe, New York Times, BBC, UK Telegraph, UK Guardian, CBS, ABC,
Sun-Sentinel, Hartford Courant, numerous Canadian publications … But
not the NY Daily News– and who's fault is that, Mort? Jeesh.

2. Of course, Mort is indignant; he's an Israel lobbyist w/two house organs, yet he can't control the
press. Must be very frustrating. Zuckerman is on the board of WINEP. And says Wikipedia, "Between 2001 and 2003, Zuckerman was the chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations." [Weiss: Imagine if an evangelical Christian with a religious/political
agenda had this kind of media power; just imagine the scorn for him]

3. Zuckerman claims:

"The policemen died because Israel eased restrictions on movement in the Nablus area of the West Bank."

Their commander directly contradicts this claim, according to Ha'aretz:

Police: West Bank shooting not caused by checkpoint removal…

Senior police officials say that the removal of checkpoints and the low intensity of Israel Defense Forces operations in the West Bank did not contribute to Sunday's shooting death of two traffic cops in the Jordan Valley.

4. Now who actually agrees with Zuckerman re the cause of the incident? Settlers & extreme right MK's. Nice company, Mort. Haaretz again:

Danny Dayan, the head of the Yesha council of West Bank settlements, said Israel's policies in the territories were to blame for the continued bloodletting.

right-minded person knew that the policy of removing checkpoints and
freeing terrorists that the outgoing government continues to force upon
the IDF until its last days in office will exact a heavy price in blood," Dayan said.

Union MK Uri Ariel said the attack is "an immediate indication of the
price in blood for the removal of checkpoints Sunday morning in Nablus."

5. Jack Ross:

I'm not an avid reader of Huffpo, but I'm not all that shocked, I've sensed for some time that the more rabid liberal bloggers might enter an unholy alliance with Marty Peretz if the nature of Democratic Party politics called for it. Not sure what to make of the fact that it's happening so soon, except perhaps the utter desperation to keep an attack on Iran on the table. It will horribly blow up in their face.

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